Criminal Stupidity

Nice tagline huh? Enough to get you hooked anyway. Despite the title this entry is not about criminal in the common sense of the word. Let me explain….

I’m sure all of you who’ve flown over the past few years have had experience with my personal favorite arm of the govt. the TSA. I’m convinced it stands for Terminally Stupid Airwasters or something like that. First of all the TSA is a huge waste of taxpayer money. Yes, airports need security screeners. What the US did NOT need was a govt. agency to act in this role. We must say thanks to stupid democrats for coming up with the idea that the TSA needed to be a govt. division, and we can say thanks to GWB for bowing to political pressure and signing the stupid bill.

Simple question: “What’s the best way to create the most inefficient, wasteful way to accomplish a task?”
Answer: Create a govt. agency to do it.

The shocking thing is that politicians are so stupid that they keep doing it. Private companies are economically forced to keep costs to a minimum, therefor if you want something to be done efficiently you get private companies to do it. The government has a good track record of messing that up to by paying ridiculous amount to their contractees, but that just goes back to stupid, incompetent bureaucrats.

Ok, so on to the real reason I’m writing. Some idiot in the TSA decided that allowing passengers to bring fluids onto a plane is a bad idea. This person apparently ignored the fact that people have been doing this for decades without incident, but hey, that’s the TSA’s job, to ignore common sense. Worse, this random person decided that the cutoff should be 3.5 ozs. For those who have trouble with picturing how much that is, I can tell for certainty it’s less than a tube of toothpaste.

Toothpaste, funny I should mention it. The TSA agent at the tiny airport in Bozeman “helpfully” told Jennifer that her toothpaste tube was too big(4.1oz) and could not be carried on. I kid you not. THESE PEOPLE JUST DON’T GET IT. Why is common sense just thrown out in govt. bureaucracies? My suspicion is that it gives a close relative of a politician, who is not competent to flip burgers at the local hamburger joint a job.

Apparently the TSAs job is to hassle, harass, demean, and degrade good US citizens. With the TSA everybody is treated like a criminal. Hey, that’s the one thing the do get right. They don’t show preference when it comes to power tripping on US citizens.

Unfortunately this criminal stupidity by the TSA will continue. Why? Because nobody in congress has to fly the public planes. Congresspeople waste out hard earned tax dollars on private charter flights when they have to get off their lazy duffs, so they will never connect with the people whom they are supposed to be representing. I have no respect for people in congress because they spend all their time figuring out how to insulate themselves from the very people who elect them. They are paid exorbitantly, they enjoy perks that they vote in for themselves, and most of all they don’t give a hoot about the US. These people would rather sit around and vote on dumb resolutions like, “We like to honor so and so for their great golf career,” than do real honest work in fixing the myriad of problems this country has.

BTW: if you don’t believe me about the resolution I just mentioned I invite you over to the LOC at: to look at all the bills on which our representatives waste their time and our money.

What can be done? I’m not the right person to answer. I can identify the problem, but I see no solution. It’s easy to say we need a government shakeup, but the question is if it’s too late for such a measure to reverse the course of America. Most countries rot from the inside out and I afraid we’re witnessing ours in all it’s stinking putrefaction.

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