Catching up!

(Don’t skip my Memorial Day Weekend post below this one! Another two posting day!)

I can’t believe that Colby is nearing a month old! WOW! Looking at the pictures, you can tell that he’s definitely filling out (read: his little Joyner pinhead is filling out—we can’t deny that he got that from his daddy’s side! Sorry, big guy!)! He is still sleeping good at night and most of the day. He’s still in our room. Our issue is that many of his feedings are filled with crying now. I think there are several reasons why. I think the main reason is that he doesn’t like my letdown much of the time and he nearly chokes on the amount of milk that comes rushing out! (TMI for some of you, I’m sure). He tries to keep up, but ends up gulping lots of air, and then that starts a whole other uncomfortable bout of gassiness that he’s not a fan of either. Then, he starts popping off and then bobbing back and forth to get more, but then he has big stuck burps…yadda yadda yadda. It’s just miserable for all parties. I know he’ll grow into it and he’ll love how fast it comes out eventually, but he’s not big enough to appreciate it yet. Anyway, we’re trying some different things to help the fella out. Obviously, he’s getting plenty though! I think he’d rather be a leisurely eater, but he’s being forced to be more aggressive at this point.

He has a pretty consistent routine at this point, which is nice. I don’t know how long it will stay. But, he’s fairly consistent around the clock of eating every 3- 3 1/2 hrs during the day and every 4 or more at night (which only puts him at 1-2 times at night). I feed him on demand as I did Abriella, but he just spaces his feedings more naturally than she did. We have started bathing him every night as he just loves it! He just totally relaxes in the bath.

Abriella still adores him. She points out his “little” everything—“little toes,” “little arms,” etc. It’s really cute. She gives him kisses and hugs and says, “Colby– Love him!” She still doesn’t like it when I sit down to feed him as that is when she suddenly needs everything that I can’t get her! She gets aggravated then, as do I, as I’m constantly having to reprimand her while I’m trying to feed Colby. Hmmm, maybe that’s why he isn’t enjoying nursing sometimes! HA!

We have decided that Abriella would really benefit from going to a preschool or Mother’s Day Out type thing next year. I think every program around here has a waiting list. We are putting her on the waiting list for the T/Th preschool that’s at our church for the fall. Hopefully, she’ll be able to attend that. I think she’d really enjoy it, and it’d give me some one on one time with Colby a couple of days a week too. So, we’ll see how that goes.

Well, without further delay, I’ll add some more pictures of the kids!

As always, we love to eat in style around here! (Oh and for any of you fashion gurus out there, yes, I realize my child has a rather interesting combo going on. She loves to go into her room and “pick” out her clothes, and, unless we have somewhere to go, I let her wear whatever she brings me!).

This was her on Sunday:

Not happy with the mini photo shoot! HAHA!

Well, I think that catches me up on the picture front. Sorry for the brief blog silence. I’ll try to keep up better!

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4 Responses to Catching up!

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    Colby is really filling out–love his double chin! It’s great that he is sleeping well and doing well in general! I’m glad that Abriella is acclimating pretty well to being a big sister. Hope the pre-school activities will be beneficial to Abriella.

  2. Kim Hodges says:

    I’m all about “Mother’s Day Out” programs. They love it, you love it, everyone wins! Hope she gets in!

  3. Chrissy says:

    Okay, so now that he has filled out a little, he looks just like you! I don’t see much of Stephen anymore. He has changed so much!

  4. Allyson says:

    Colby is so cute! Love all the close-up pictures!

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