One Month Old (a week ago…)

Ok, so I’m a week late on this post! Oops! Anyway, our little guy is quickly becoming our big guy! We did an unofficial weigh-in of him the other day. This consists of daddy stepping on the scale (no way is mama doing that!) and then stepping back on it with the child. Granted this is a digital scale that only does half pounds, and Colby had clothes on. So, clearly, not the most accurate weighing. But, anyway, Colby’s weight was 10 1/2 pounds by that! Abriella didn’t weigh that much until she was 2 months old. I’m pretty sure I must produce whole milk. He even eats way less frequently than she did, but boys are just supposed to be bigger, and he is living up to that thus far! Here are a few pictures taken last Sunday. I am going to try to take a picture like this every month to watch his progression. I wish I had done the same with Abs.

Last night, he rolled from his tummy to his back in his crib. Stephen heard him crying, went it to find him in the dark, and felt something moist (his mouth!), and realized the boy had rolled over! Ok, so if you are wondering, yes, he does sleep on his tummy all the time. Initially, we did the back thing, but he would just rock himself until he got to his side. So, we put him on his side. We swaddled him for a few days, and then he decided he royally hated that, and would scream and cry until we let him free! Abriella was swaddled for 5 months, so that was new for us! Anyway, he slept on his side for a while, but then as he got fatter, he couldn’t stay up on his side, and he would flail his arms on his side and back and not go to sleep. Plus, the boy spits up and sounds like he’s drowning/dying when he does so if he’s on his back. So, we went to tummy sleeping, and he does great–he’s been sleeping on it since somewhere in the 2nd week, I believe! We have an Angelcare monitor (senses their breathing and alarms if they go 15-20 seconds without breathing), so that makes us feel more secure in allowing him to do this. Anyway, I wonder how many weeks/months it will be before he rolls again!

The child moves all over his bed, and won’t settle down until he’s right next to the bumper near the center of the room. I’ve read somewhere where babies will almost always move to the side of their bed closest to the middle of the room. Why? Well, I don’t remember reading the reason they came up with. Anyway, Abriella did the same thing.  Oh, we moved him to his crib on Monday. He’s done quite well in there. We are sleeping better too! Here are some pictures to show how close he gets to the bumper. I remember being so nervous when Abriella did that, and I would move her away, but she would shimmy right back next to it (and, she did it while swaddled up tightly laying on her back—HOW IN THE WORLD!!??). Crazy babies! The only problem with him moving next to the side is that the monitor falsely alarms frequently because he’s too far away from the sensor. That’s a bit annoying. We’re probably going to move the sensor closer to that side today so that doesn’t happen.

(I think it’s crazy how my babies always look redheaded in certain lights when they’re smaller.)

Finally, here are some pictures of him on his changing table this morning. Since he’s in his room now, he gets to enjoy the mirror beside his changing table.

Ok, that’s the boy for now! Next post will probably be about our OTHER baby…the one that now walks around with a pacifier and asks to be strapped into the baby’s bouncy seat! Uggh!

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3 Responses to One Month Old (a week ago…)

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    What a little chunk! Just love his double chin! Might be a linebacker one day!

  2. Holly says:

    Cute baby! Maddy does the whole scoot to the side of the bassinet thing too so I am glad to know that is normal. Kind of scared me at first but she’d be back there in seconds if I moved her so I gave up. I’ve heard that tummy sleeping develops their neck muscles faster than back sleeping so I wonder if that helps him roll over better and faster?

  3. Chrissy says:

    What a cute chubby boy. I love it! I just want to pinch his cheeks. I started laying all my kids on their backs, but they all sleep on their tummy’s now. I wonder if it is genetic b/c I love sleeping on my tummy, but Brian sleeps on his back. Weird. My kids all like to have their blankets right by their face when they sleep. I think it is just comforting. Anyway. Great pics as usual.

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