Monkey See, Monkey Do

Just had to share this! What do you think she sees Mommy doing all day!?

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7 Responses to Monkey See, Monkey Do

  1. Chrissy says:


  2. Mom/Grandma says:

    Cute! I remember someone else who did the same!

  3. Amanda W says:

    Paige does this too! I think it’s SO cute, they are such good little mommies to their babies!

  4. Rebecca says:

    LOL! She wants to be just like her Mommy.

  5. Becky says:

    Future La Leche League of America! 🙂

  6. Emily says:

    My nephew does the same thing… he even put a small neck pillow around his belly (looks like a boppy)… and said ‘feed the baby’. It’s cute.

  7. Kristi says:

    I guess it’s been a bit since I visited you in blogland! Beth said that I HAD to get over here and see the pic of Abriella nursing her baby!! Hilarious!! So cute.

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