This and That

We had our 6 wk appointment on Tuesday (technically, 6 wks was on Wednesday) and both he and I are doing great. Colby weighed in at (drumroll please) 11 lbs 1 oz!! I seriously think I must produce buttermilk or whole milk at the least. He doesn’t eat for very long most nursings and still only nurses every 3 hrs at the minimum and often goes longer at night. He often has a time at some point day or night where he goes 4 or 5 hours. We did have one night where he went nearly 8 hrs at night (I only checked on him once to make sure he was still breathing!). So, my milk must be cram packed full of calories for the dude! I’m interested to see how much he weighs and how long he is at our 2 month pedi appointment coming up soon.

He’s smiling now. Stephen and I agreed that he definitely had real smiles (not those gassy or dream ones, you know) at 5 wks (I think he had some before that too, but it was iffy). But, this week, at 6 weeks, he’s really started turning the smile machine on! I L-O-V-E gummy smiles!! So sweet. We’ve only caught some partial smiles on camera so far, but at least our camera is faster than the one we had when Abriella was a baby-baby. We just never seem to have it on hand when he’s got the huge smiles going!

We are planning Abriella’s birthday party. Can you believe she’ll be 2 in a few weeks!!?? I can’t! Well, from her behavior, I can! I think she has hit some terrible twos slightly early! There have been a few days I’ve been ready to auction her off to the highest bidder. Well, ANY bidder that would take her…  She just pushes the limit in so many areas. She’s testing the boundaries all the time. Drives me nutty! This too shall pass…or, so I’ve been told!

I’ll share some funny and cute things she’s said lately though. So, I’ve been attempting to teach her the Fruit of the Spirit a little at a time. She’s doing well with it. She can name a few of them real easily. We just started this week. So, she will name them off like this: “love, joy, peace, christian.” Huh? Not sure where the christian comes in! We’re still working on them! Then, you ask her what joy means, and she replies, “Happy in the heart.” Love it!

Then, I was telling her where she lived. I told her she lived in the state of Texas and the city of Belton. So, later, I asked her what state she lived in, and she replied, “Happy in the heart.” haha! Ummm, well, ok. Then, here’s the best one. I asked her what city she lived in, and she exuberantly replied, “DODGEBALL!” That only makes sense to anyone that has watched the Veggie Tales “Moe and the Big Exit.” That’s where the story takes place. I had to laugh at that one! She also goes around saying, “I found a baby” (in the most cowboy hickish voice you can imagine)—also a quote from the same Veggie Tales. Can you tell she loves her some Wedgie Tales (that’s how she says it)?!

Anyway, here are a few pictures of the kids.

Some of our partial smiles caught on camera:

Some naked bath pictures (with strategically placed washclothes) to show how much he’s grown!

A picture of him pushing up. He has some good, strong neck muscles, which I’m sure has to do with the fact that he sleeps on his tummy. Anyway, I’ve tried to catch him pushing up. Also, a hard feat.  This just doesn’t give justice to how well he can push up.

Here Abriella was playing in a basket.

Here’s dress-up in our house! We have these visors that she wanted on her. The bottom one she was saying, “Like a skirt,” and the top one…”Like a bra!” Yep, no secrets in our house!

Here’s my big baby enjoying the bouncy seat. She always says, “Strap you in!” What will I do with her??

Here she is with a pacifier. Take note, this child would NOT use a pacifier as a baby, but now she’s figured them out…not a moment too late at nearly 2 years old! She walks around with it in her mouth sometimes. Can we say…REGRESSION! haha!

Here she is in one of her more racey swimsuits! Once again, she said, “like a bra” about the top. Yes, honey, that’s like a bra. We have a little pool in the backyard that we’ve been using. I bought this for less than $5 at the end of the season at Target last year. I think the most exciting part to her about swimming is that she gets to “wear a swimsuit diaper…like panties.” Seriously, what am I going to do with her?

Waving to the camera:

She wasn’t real sure what to think of it, but warmed up to it. All of the splashing and dumping of water on her head we got on video. She really does enjoy it, but she also enjoys getting in and out, in and out….

Then, here she is being a little mama. So, she goes from being the baby to taking care of her babies. Every day is an adventure with her!

Then, here’s a picture of my sweaty girl with her hair stuck to her head who had to have her picture taken since I was taking some of Colby at the time. Lovely, eh?

Here’s her sitting in the window.

Doing the splits:


And, finally, a cuter picture of her wandering around the house with a frog.

Ok, I know for the average reader, this is too many pictures in one post. But, for the grandparents, you just can’t get enough, right?? Anyway, until the next insanely long and picture-filled post.

Happy Father’s Day to all those wonderful fathers out there. I’m so thankful that my kids have such a wonderful father in Stephen. God has blessed me with him and our children with him. Really makes me miss my daddy, who I was too young to remember when he went to be with our Heavenly Father. I know he’s probably looking down watching his grandkids though!

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6 Responses to This and That

  1. Janett says:

    You are exactly about never too many pictures of those precious grandkids! I look at the blogs (yours, Chrissy’s, Ally’s & Lindsay’s) every single day at least once checking to see i there just might be new grandkid photos! I can’t believe how much Colby has grown. Abriella is as precious as ever! You do a great job catching great expressions! gammy

  2. Pap-pa says:

    First – Who is Janett? (Just teasing!)

    Second – I’ll give you ten thousand for a first bid in the auction!

    Third – That was no where near enough pictures!

    Fourth – We love you all so very much and are proud beyond words of the fathering and mothering you are doing!

    Love you all and can’t wait to see you,

  3. Mom/Grandma says:

    Love, love, love the pics! Grandparents always love seeing the pictures! It is so precious when the wee ones start smiling at you. Colby is well-rounded, isn’t he? Just need to squeeze him! I am looking forward to seeing y’all all soon.

  4. Melissa says:

    Abriella is just too smart for her own good, isn’t she? I was literally LOLing while I was reading the things she’s been saying. My favorite is “Happy in the Heart.”

    P.S. Do you have the Deliberate Kids CD by Phil Joel? There’s a great Fruit of the Spirit song called Overflowing. My kids both love that track, and that’s how Emily memorized them.

  5. Holly says:

    HE is a strong boy! Maddy still can’t do the push up poor baby but we’ll get there eventually. Isn’t it so darn hard to get that smile on camera? Still working on that as well with little miss MM. You’re kids look great and I love Abriella’s little funnies.

  6. Erin says:

    Wedgie Tales? I love it! Thanks for sharing 🙂

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