We’ve tried some food with Colby over the last week or so. I don’t push the solids too much. I skip cereal altogether as there is really nothing in it. And, I always wait until we’re at least 6 months old. I have never understood the desire to start solids earlier. Why make them grow up so quickly? Most times, they are nowhere near ready for solids before 6-9 months anyway. I just nurse them and then add some solids here and there. Breastmilk and/or formula is all they need for the first year anyway. There is plenty of documentation to that effect! Ok, off of that little soapbox! HA!
ANYWAY, we have given the boy a taste of bananas–didn’t really want me putting anything in his mouth. I gave him a little bit of sweet potatoes a few days later. He liked those! Then, we went to sweet peas. Those things just look disgusting. I don’t like them, but I will force them upon my kids?! Yuck! So, Colby ate some and gave some yucky faces and then made some gagging noises a few times. Love it when they do that! HA! Then, he just plain started yelling after some more bites! Today, we tried them again. He knew what I was up to! After trying to avoid the spoon, he soon resorted to loud crying. OK, OK, you don’t like them! We’ll go to some yummy foods in another couple of days! I promise!!
Abriella continues talking about and now, talking to, Tuba, the imaginary friend. She closed Stephen out of the bathroom the other day and said “Daddy will go get some more toilet paper, Tuba.” Today, I went into her room while she was NOT NAPPING, and she was sitting in her closet and she was talking to someone, and I imagine it was Tuba. Then, I took some things out of there (that were going to get her in trouble) and I closed her closet door. She started crying and said, “Tuba and Larry are in there!” I refrained from laughing, but asked her if they’d be ok with the door closed, and she calmed down, and said they would. HAHA!
Another quick story (I’m sure I’ll make it long). As you all know, Ft Hood experienced major tragedy last week. Many called and emailed me to make sure I was ok, which was extremely thoughtful. I was not there that day, and, in fact, I was sleeping at the time all hell broke loose down the road. Both kids were napping as well. Anyway, found out what was going on and then heard that we should stay home too. Schools and the base were on true lockdown, but we weren’t here. So, one of my friends called me, and my cell phone gets terrible reception IN the house, so I stepped outside the backdoor to hear her. I had Colby in my arms and Abs was beside me. She didn’t have any panties on (different story…) so she stayed in the house. I didn’t close the door behind me as I was just stepping out a little bit. Well, the Abster DID close the door, and she LOCKED it!! That’s right. While everyone was on lockdown, I was LOCKED OUT! She was in. Colby and I were out! Love the times when they know how to lock it, but can’t figure out how to unlock it! So, I’m trying to coach her how to unlock the door–operation fail! I tried to call Stephen–straight to voicemail–operation fail. Try to call my friend who used to have an extra key–says she doesn’t have it anymore–operation fail! THEN, Abriella starts getting panicked, and it gets better…she starts crying and saying she needs to poop on the potty! FABULOUS!! I start telling her to “GO!! GO get on the potty!!” She did disappear for a really long time. I’m just wandering around outside trying to decide if I should call the realtor to get our key out of the lockbox as I couldn’t get in touch with anyone to get a key! I started looking through my phone book on my cell and realized I had Stephen’s coworker’s cell number in there. I remembered we had done that when I was due with Colby so that there were many ways I could get in touch with Stephen if I went into labor during the day. So, finally, I got Stephen that way and he came home to let us in. Operation–success!! I went to inspect what Abs had done in the bathroom–she didn’t poop in the potty. She did manage to get a towel soaked in the sink and get water all over the bathroom floor though. Certainly could’ve been worse! What did I learn—we need extra keys everywhere!!
On other fronts, Colby is an army crawling fool now. We put that rug out and he has gone to town! I suspect he’ll be getting fully on his knees very soon. He gets wherever he wants to with army crawling though, so he’s already trouble that way!
So, without further delay (IF you even read this!), here are some pictures, so your visit to the blog won’t be in vain!
I don’t blame Colby on the peas! “Sweet peas” is a misnomer! It is always interesting when they start eating foods other than Mom’s own. Always enjoy looking at the pix!
It is interesting that Abriella’s “friends” are her Veggie Tales’ characters.
Cooper’s imaginary friends are Jeremy and Grave. It is really funny to hear him talk about them.
Britten has four imaginary daughters….Big Lick, Little Lick, Nano, and Knee. I have no clue where she came up with this, but she is always teling us such believable stories about them!!