October Catch-Up

So, I’m back tracking a little here. I never got these pictures posted from our visit to the other Pumpkin Patch. We went there last year too.  Colby actually had croup that day, but he did great anyway. The outing was good for him! [Random side note here: You may notice Ab’s pants looking tight and her shirt not covering her tummy well in some pictures. She hadn’t pooped in several days (as she tends to retend, so her belly was all bloated and protruding…nice, I know!).] Also, there are a couple of pictures from Abriella’s preschool Halloween party. She wore her costume to school and they went trick-or-treating all around the building that day too. Fun stuff! Then, she also went to a Halloween party that our church class had for the kids. I stayed home with Colby since it was going to be way past his bedtime and he didn’t care anyway! Abriella had fun with Daddy though! Then, there are a couple of picture that just made Stephen and I crack up! Abriella had these suction cups that came off of one of her bath toys and she was sticking them on her chest and saying, “I’m pumping my boobs.” Hmmm I wonder where she got that! It was so funny because then she started rinsing them off, saying she was getting the milk off of them and getting them all clean. HAHA! I haven’t pumped in a while, but she remembered and got all the steps right! Funny (and smart!) girl!

Enjoy the pictures. More posts coming soon.

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1 Response to October Catch-Up

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    Good pix! Abriella is hilarious–sometimes it seems she may be a little too smart!ha!

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