I survived…

the stomach bug, but lost about 6 pounds from it IN ONE DAY! That’s ridiculous. Not the most enjoyable diet I can imagine! I’m so thankful Stephen was here to take care of the kids and me yesterday. I’m not sure how I would’ve managed that one without some help. I was pretty useless! Today, I’ve been eating crackers, applesauce, a banana, toast, sipping on Sprite, and managed to get some chicken noodle soup in tonight. My stomach has done less gurgling and rumbling as the day has gone on.

Stephen left the house this morning right before 10. That is going to be one long trip. He’s never flown that long. I have and it’s not really that enjoyable. He was going with the 4 other men from his company. Three will come back next Sunday. Stephen and Jeremiah will stay until the following Sunday. They are the developers, so that’s why they stay longer. I pray they are safe, healthy, and productive while gone!

We had a good day today. Bedtime went well. They have completely different bedtimes, so I just let Abs watch Veggie Tales while I put Colby to bed. Worked out fine. She didn’t get into too much trouble!

I’m excited that we are going to make a trip to H-town next week to see the Clancy’s! Figured I’d need to do something to get some help and break up the time without Stephen. So, that will be great! Not sure what else we will do yet.

Well, no pictures tonight. I am going to head to bed early tonight. Need to try to regain some energy yet!


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1 Response to I survived…

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    So glad you are doing better! It’s even harder when you are the only one that the kids are depending on! I’m sure that you will enjoy visiting Houston and the Clancys.

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