They made it

Well, if the trip to India isn’t long enough already, the guys ended up with an extra day plus some added to theirs. They were delayed out of Houston on Friday, but thought they’d make up the time to Germany with a tailwind. However, when they got to Frankfurt, it was snowing so much that they were circling the airport for a while. Finally landed, got to their gate to find they had just closed the door to the plane. Uggh. So, they spent that day and night in Germany. I could think of worse things! Got an email from Stephen this afternoon saying they finally made it to Chennai, but it took them a couple of hours longer still because it took forever to get off the ground in Frankfurt. Anyway, they made it. They are 11 1/2 hrs ahead of us in time, if you’re wondering, so it’s Monday morning there now.

We’re doing fine here. Had the baby blessing at church today for all the babies born in the last year. I had a rip-roaring headache though from church (nothing Tylenol and a big Mt Dew couldn’t handle though!)! Abriella was all over me and Colby always wants to grab her hair, which she doesn’t like, so then she gets irritated…blah, blah, blah.  He’s just a wiggle worm which is always compounded on Sundays when he doesn’t get his morning nap. If it hadn’t been for the baby blessing, I would’ve had him in the nursery earlier so he could just get down and play. But, had to wrestle with them for what seemed like forever today. All in all, they really were good, but it’s just easier when we have 1:1 defense rather than zone defense. Makes me wonder if I really do want more kids! HA!

Only got by the house a couple of times this week. With being sick, rain, and getting Stephen off, there just wasn’t time. I stuffed the kids in the car yesterday afternoon though and we drove by. We all had our PJs on (yes, it was about 4 pm, but whatever!), so we didn’t get out. I could tell that they had finished the roof and sealed (?) and painted the siding though. Looks nice! I know they were supposed to be finishing wiring, plumbing, and some other stuff this week, but I guess we’ll see that another time.

I’ll add some pictures now. I’m just going to lump all these pictures I took off my camera into one random album, even though there are house pics and kid pics all in together. I’m sure nobody minds really!


Have a great week!

This entry was posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Stephen. Bookmark the permalink.

5 Responses to They made it

  1. Rebecca says:

    I’m glad they made it safely. They sure have made a lot of progress on your house, how exciting!! I know what you mean about 1:1. Yesterday morning at breakfast Bryan said, “Mom its gonna be hard when the baby comes, you need another parent.”

  2. chrissy says:

    Thanks for the update on Stephen, maybe you and the kids can plan some fun activities while he is gone!

  3. Mom/Grandma says:

    Certainly glad they made it safely!

  4. holly says:

    I didn’t realize Chennai was the destination. Meadowlark CofC where we used to go in Ft. Collins supports a missionary who is based in Chennai so though I know nothing about India in general I have learned a bit about Chennai.

  5. becky says:

    so glad that they made it safely…and happy to hear your well now so you can hold down the fort while they’re away! missed chatting with you on Monday at playgroup! i was pooped out from staying up late on sunday night…y’all take care and let me know if you need ANYTHING 🙂

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