
Here at the Joynerzone, we are officially debt-free besides our house mortgage!! We used our tax refund this year along with a little bit of our savings to pay off the remaining balance of my grad school loan, which was our only outstanding debt. When Abriella was a year old, we started watching the Dave Ramsey FPU videos, and since then, have made many changes based on things Dave teaches. For example, we haven’t had credit cards since that time (although that wasn’t even a cause of debt for us, but no need to have that temptation there), paid off Stephen’s school loans, paid cash for our last vehicle (the other has been paid off since day 1), and even have a 15 year mortgage on our current house, and we have our 3-6 months of expenses in savings in case something happened to Stephen’s job.  We need to re-work our budget and get out of some of the spending habits we’ve gotten into lately (i.e. too much eating out), but we’re thrilled to be done with debt! We had kind of been holding onto that last loan because the interest rate was so low and was fixed, but we finally decided to be done with it, and the tax refund was the perfect way to aid in that effort. What a great feeling!!  I highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s program as a practical way to get out of debt. It worked for us! 🙂

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2 Responses to Freedom!!

  1. Brittany says:

    Congratulations!! What a wonderful feeling! We paid off my student loan last month, and though it was a small victory- I only had $2000 in debt, it was great to not have any more. Way to go guys!

  2. Tricia says:

    YAY!!!! so excited for you guys!!! i’m a huge uncle dave fan and can’t wait to be in the same boat as ya’ll. so excited 🙂

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