This and That

So, several notable things have occurred with our munchkin. On Sunday, her 2nd top tooth cut through, so I guess she won’t look like a country bumpkin with just one top tooth afterall. I can already tell her look is really going to change when those are really visable with her smiles. She’s up to 4 teeth now. She’s growing up!

We have been trying to teach Abriella baby sign language for a few months. We started with 3 signs: More, Eat, Finished. Most of those are best taught with eating scenarios, so we had a hard time working with her on them for a while since she was so stubborn with solids. It’s not like you can pull a baby off the boob and say, “you want more?” while using the sign for that. haha! Anyway, we try to be consistent with them now, although that doesn’t happen always either, so I figured it’d still be a while before we actually saw her sign back. But, on Monday, she clearly did the sign for “more!” I couldn’t believe it! She did it several times and it was for more food, so I knew it was right, and when she was done eating, she didn’t sign it again. She just started dropping her food into the floor from her highchair. So, obviously, we haven’t gotten the “finished/all done” sign down yet! haha! She’s done it at several meals, and even one where Stephen saw it (to prove I wasn’t crazy). I’m proud of her. It’s amazing what these little ones comprehend at such an early age!!

She’s pointing at things all the time now. She doesn’t usually stick her finger out, so it’s just a fist aimed toward something. Well, goofy people we are, we take that as an opportunity to “fist bump” her fist. Of course, she thinks that’s really funny.

She’s also mimicking us more and more. Now, when we tell her “no,” she now stops what she’s doing (usually) and she shakes her head back and forth like we do when we tell her no. That’s pretty funny. She’s also a little stinker when we tell her no in that she does her fake mad/grumpy face at us, and then immediately gives this HUGE smile, as if to say, “how can you say no to such a cute baby?” It’s so hard not to laugh and smile back at her. I can see she’s gonna be a tough one.

She’s also moving more and more. She’s standing every once in a while, but when she realizes she’s not holding onto anything, she immediately sits down as if to say that’s for the birds! Funny. But, then she’s “no fear” in other realms. Like on Monday, we went to Chick-fil-a for playgroup and there is an indoor playground there. She really likes to play in there. Well, this week, she pulled up onto the foot of the tunnel slide, then proceeded to climb into it, and then she crawled up the slide as far as she could go before she couldn’t get anymore traction with her pants on. She made it half-way up, but the incline became too much. I had to watch her when she came crawling quickly down towards the end though. I’m pretty sure she would’ve just gone headfirst off the end, but I didn’t give her a chance to show me that. She’s also finding more creative ways of playing with her toys. I guess that’s good. Makes those toys last longer. I’ll leave you with a few pictures of that.

We’re looking forward to my Mom coming to see us tomorrow for the weekend. Remember your Mothers this weekend!

UNDER my ExersaucerMy Tunnel

My TunnelPlaying Peekaboo

Sitting ON my highchair trayExcuse our half-naked child…

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3 Responses to This and That

  1. Chrissy says:

    What a cutie!

  2. Steph says:

    Isn’t baby signing great? It’s so nice not needing to guess what Ella needs and wants… cuts back on crying. One sign that I found to be VERY important to Ella is ‘drink’. She gets very frustrated if she is horribly thirsty, so this saves us from tantrums, LOL.

  3. Amanda says:

    She’s so smart! And terribly cute, too!

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