First Week of School

Here we are at the end of the first week of preschool for the munchkins. They go 2 days a week from 9-2:30.  I’d say the week has been a success!

Here are pics from the first day of school. (You can click on any of the pictures to make them larger)

they are saying “school” in the above picture.

The next picture is waiting to sign in at school:

Abriella sitting at her table, ready to go:

Then, Colby looks like he’s walking to his doom in the next couple of pictures. He was pretty sure he didn’t want to go to school once we were there! HA!

And, this next one just sums up how he felt about being left at school! HAHA! Cracked me up! It’s a pitiful picture!

I stayed in the hallway and he stopped crying very shortly. Then, he sat at the table and started in on the puzzles.

Today, Colby walked in and sat down at the table right away, NO TEARS WHATSOEVER! He even told me bye and that he loved me! So much better!

Both have been doing great. Abriella’s teacher today said that she is just great and does everything she is asked to do, and just very polite. That’s always good to hear! Colby’s teacher said that he is great, too. He always helps clean up and is just a big helper. He’s also been doing great with the potty. I wasn’t sure how he’d do with other people for such a long time. She says that he tells her when he needs to go, and if they have potty breaks, he goes whenever she puts him on the potty. Whew! I sent pull-ups for his nap time. Well, SINCE HE HASN’T BEEN SLEEPING DURING THE NAP TIME, he has a dry pull-up at the end of that time!! Yep, the nap time is our only problem so far. She says he’s super quiet and lays there the entire time, but he just doesn’t sleep. At least he doesn’t disrupt those that do sleep. Hopefully, he’ll learn how to sleep while there soon. He’s just hard to deal with in the evenings when he doesn’t nap! He was simply awful on Tuesday afternoon/evening. We’ll just have to do early bedtimes when he doesn’t nap at school.

Anyway, it has been so nice for me to have that time away from them. They enjoy it, and I get things done. I ate breakfast with a friend on Tuesday, then went grocery shopping (ALONE), and then had lunch with another friend. Then, it was time to pick them up! Today, I went to a Ladies Bible Study after dropping them off. Then, came home, ate lunch, and then took a nap! Ah! The time without them really does seem pretty short all in all. Maybe I’m cramming too much into my 5 hrs without them! HA!

Anyway, preschool week #1 for 2011 goes down in the books as a success!

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