Quick Note

My Mom was here last weekend, and we really enjoyed her company. Stephen especially appreciated her help with the baby while I worked on Saturday. I wish Abriella had been in a better mood while she was here, though. She was really needy for a few days, and some of those just happened to be while my Mom was here. Uggh. She just got back to her happy, normal self yesterday. She’s been delightful. I guess my Mom will just have to come back!

Abriella and I are making a road trip to Houston this weekend. We’re going to stay at her “other grandparents,” the Clancy’s, house. We’re excited. We’ll also get to meet up with my cousin Kenny, and his wife, Scarlett. I’m hoping Abriella will do well on the trip. I always get nervous about staying with other people because I just never know how she’ll act. Sometimes, babies do well with change, but sometimes, many times, they don’t! We’ll see.

Well, I’ll do a more newsy note when we get back.

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