Fearless Superheroes!

So, as documented previously, Colby often dresses up in princess clothes, as that is about all we have as far as dress up clothes around here—-hazards of having an older sister. Stephen has been asking me to get him some boy dress up clothes for quite a while. Well, there just aren’t that many that are sold year round. So, I’ve been waiting for Halloween to come around so I could get some costumes on clearance or something. Well, the good ole consignment sale did me right this time! I scored 4 different superhero-type costumes for CHEAP (I’m talking $3, $3, $4, and $6)–Batman, Robin, Transformers, and Buzz Lightyear. Stephen was super proud of my shopping due to these purchases! HA! Both kids love the outfits, of course. Colby enjoyed all of them, but we didn’t actually get pictures of him in all of them. They have growing room in them as well, so they should entertain us for a few years. Yay! Here are some pictures we took this afternoon of them having fun in these new costumes. (click on link to go to album)

Fearless Superheros
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1 Response to Fearless Superheroes!

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    Love the superhero outfits!

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