That it’s working! Our baby girl is taking 3 naps a day and going to bed like a champ. Her naps get better every day, and she rarely even fusses now. Sometimes, she even plays for a few minutes in her crib before going to sleep. Wonderful!! Daddy is home with us today, and I think he’s amazed at the difference since last Saturday. It is so liberating to be able to put her in her crib and walk out, and she puts herself to sleep, and actually takes naps. I have time to do things during the day, even if that’s taking a nap! I’m more rested and I feel like a good mother. Thank you, Karen, for the book. I’ll be purchasing my own copy, and probably start things out a little differently with the next kiddo. They say you make all the mistakes learn everything with the first child. That’s what we’re doing. Her sleeping better also crossed over into her eating, and now she eats a lot better. It’s amazing how good rest affects your whole life. Yeah, we all know it does, but I just didn’t realize how overtired she was, and how affected she was. Sorry, Abriella!
I wanted to add some more words to her list. Now, don’t get me wrong. It’s not like these are clearly pronunciated words. Duh. It’s a baby talking, but we know what she’s saying. She also says night-night, no-no-no (while shaking her head like Mommy does), and Amen. Sweet story about the Amen. Yesterday, I was saying a prayer with her before we ate and I put my hands together to do so, and she smiled real big and slapped her own hands together! Then, after I was done and said Amen (I usually repeat it several times), she also said it with great enthusiasm! They are so impressionable at this age! They try to immitate just about everything you say or do! It’s fun though.
Oh, we discovered on Thursday that she had another tooth (makes 5 now). It has been there several days, so we’re not really sure when it came through. I just decided to run my finger over her gums to see if anything was near, and I was shocked! It’s her top left lateral incisor. We’ve started giving her prophylactic motrin at night in case the other one is on it’s way in! haha!
Oh, in other news, Stephen bought us a new camera. It’s supposed to arrive on Monday. I’m tired of missing so many pictures because my camera takes too long! So, we decided to invest in a better one. I’m excited. Now, I need to take a photography class or something so I can really do good stuff with it.
Ok, now for some pics of the baby girl!
I’m glad that it is working out so well–Abriella will be a far happier baby now that she is better rested (and you will be happier too!). She is a sweetie/1
Hooray for better sleeping. And you should feel like a great Mom, because I can tell that you are!
Gotta love sleep training! Good job, and enjoy your free time!
Yeah!!! Im so glad you loved the book as much as I do! Aren’t well rested babies so happy!!?? Glad it’s all working for you!
Hey Girl,
Just in time for summer…Nice to know she’ll be all rested and ready for those play dates at the pool in the weeks ahead! Sleep TRULY does affect all areas of our life doesn’t it?
Hugs to you guys 🙂
Yay!!! So glad she’s sleeping better. Now I need to borrow the book – ha! Love the pics – especially the 2nd one of her and Stephen. So sweet.