More Pictures

We have done the typical already…not take many pictures of the 3rd child! We have just been soaking up the time with Ridley, but have failed to take many pictures. Sorry! We’ll try to take more!

So, this is my final pregnancy picture at 36 1/2 wks. My water had already broken at this point, and Stephen reminded me that I had wanted to take a picture. I had told him on Saturday night that when I was ready for church the next morning, we’d take another picture since I hadn’t had one in a while. Well…I didn’t go to church, but we managed to get a picture anyway! Just not how we had envisioned the last picture of the pregnancy!

Here are a few pictures that were taken about 4 1/2 hrs after delivery. This was the first time the kids had met their new baby brother. A friend of ours, Amanda, had picked up the kids before church and took care of them all day. We are blessed to have friends that we can call on that will take care of our munchkins like their own.  Colby even started calling Amanda “Mommy.” HA! (You can click on any picture to make it bigger).

Ridley had a bit of facial bruising from a rather rapid entrance into the world. I’ll share the birth story in a blog post soon. 🙂

Here are some other pictures we’ve taken over the last couple of days.

Here are a couple of the proud big brother and sister with their new baby brother!

We will try to be better and take more pictures! We are enjoying Ridley tremendously. We’re a bit tired, of course, as is par for the course for life with newborns.  Abriella and Colby are trying to adjust to the changes. They are needing a bit of extra attention, but they dearly love Ridley.  God has blessed us with 3 beautiful children, and we are so incredibly thankful to Him.

This entry was posted in Abriella, Baby Joyner #3, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Stephen. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to More Pictures

  1. Beth Kelly says:

    okay, so i have to stop reading your posts and looking at all of ridley’s pictures…it’s making me want another one!! 🙂 he is absolutely adorable!! praying for you all!

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