Growing Boy!

So, we had another visit with our midwife today. Ridley now weighs 7 lbs 10 oz! He’s growing quite well! I’d say Mommy’s milk is doing the job very adequately! He had dropped to 6 lbs even at 3 days. He’s 19 days old today, so he has gained 1 lb 10 oz in 16 days. Not too shabby at all! We can see his little cheeks (both sets! HA!)  filling out! We are both doing well. He has definitely started to wake up the last few days. He has quite a set of lungs on him! 🙂

I started some light exercise back this week. It makes me feel a little more energetic. I sure wish the postpartum night sweats would stop though. I do not remember having those after the first 2 were born. It’s quite normal, but I don’t think I had them before. Maybe since they were born in the summer, I just figured I was sweating from the heat outside. I don’t know. Anyway, I wake up completely drenched and sheets drenched. I change clothes and try to warm up (because of course, I start to get cold being all wet!) and sometimes put a towel around me, so the cold, wet sheets don’t bother me.  I change clothes usually 3 times a night! Our sheets get changed pretty often nowadays, too. Usually twice a week. This too shall pass!

We’ve been blessed to have meals being brought to us by our friends at church. Sadly, tonight is the last meal we will receive. I will have to start cooking again next week. Bummer! Thankfully, I have some frozen casseroles that I can start bringing out to cook. I’m glad I decided to do that! Just have to put sides with them, and we’ll have good meals.

Another growing boy in our house is Colby. He’s been going tee-tee on the potty since just after he turned 2, but the pooping on the potty has not been happening, for the most part. He pretty much always held it until he had a diaper on at naptime or bedtime, and then he’d do his business. Well, since Ridley’s birth, instead of regressing, which often happens, he’s been progressing! He has started pooping in the potty most all of the time! He tries to poop every time he sits on the potty!  He can usually get something out everytime, too! HA! It cracks me up, because he’ll go potty and then he’ll yell to me from whatever bathroom he is in, and announce that he pooped, and that I can come wipe him! Oh joy! Thanks buddy! Of course, he always makes sure he can get a treat! 🙂

Another thing about Colby that I don’t think I ever documented here. We are fairly certain that he stopped sucking his thumb when we moved him in with his sister. His M.O. was to lay in his crib/toddler bed, grab the tags that were on his bumper pad (yes, I kept it on the 3 sides of his toddler bed), and then suck his thumb on the other hand. Well, when we moved him to the bunk beds, the bumper did not go with him. I think it stopped just like that! He sleeps with a pillow with a blanket on him. Now, we aren’t with him when he sleeps to know 100% sure he’s stopped, but the fact that the callous on his thumb is pretty much gone now, I’d say that is pretty telling. Easiest weaning from thumb-sucking ever! Amazing!

Well, the littlest man is crying. I’ll end this post for now.  Just a few things I wanted to document for myself really. Have a great weekend!

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1 Response to Growing Boy!

  1. Mom/Grandma says:

    I am glad that Ridley is growing so well! That’s wonderful!

    Proud for Colby, too! That will be a great help.

    Love you all!

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