This here is our sweet baby boy yesterday at 3 months!
What is he doing now at 3 months, you ask? Oh, you didn’t ask. Well, I’ll put it down anyway! 🙂
* Smiling all the time! Of course, couldn’t get a super fabulous smile out of him on this picture, but I think he was concentrating on keeping his head up! haha!
* We are doing cloth diapers around the clock now, even at night, and it’s going very well. I need his thighs to get just a little fatter because a handful of our cloth dipes have a slight gap in the leg because he just isn’t chunky enough! HA!
* He lifts his head extremely well. He was strong from day 1, but I’m sure tummy sleeping (shhh, don’t tell!) helps him to develop these muscles better as well. (For those concerned about this tummy sleeping…we did it with Colby,too, and we use an Angelcare  Monitor to give us peace of mind).
* He coos and “talks” to us–so sweet!
* He loves for his sister to read to him. He watches her every move and even looks at the pictures she shows him. She loves to read to him, too!
* He loves to be in the Moby Wrap! I like it, too. The way it’s made, it takes a while before my back starts to ache! Not so with other slings and carriers I’ve used.
* He is doing much better at night! He goes to bed around 7-8pm and then he’s been waking once somewhere around 2:45-3:45 and then he usually wakes up about 3-3 1/2 hrs later (when it’s after 6am, I don’t consider that a night waking!), then most times, he goes back down for another 1 1/2 hrs or so. Then, he usually cat naps in the morning (probably because we are on the move most mornings, unfortunately), but then takes a really long afternoon nap of usually 3- 3 1/2 hrs long.
* He has successfully taken a few bottles. His first 2 attempts were not impressive. He pretty much held out until I got home and fed him. However, the other night, I went to a consignment sale out of town, and he was napping when I left. When he woke, Abriella (with Stephen’s assistance) fed him a bottle of pumped milk, and then Stephen gave him a bottle at bedtime…and, he went to sleep and slept the normal amount! YAY!!
* He is trying hard to find his thumb, it seems.  Since he refuses a pacifier, we’re rather hoping he does find his thumb.
* Still wearing 0-3 month clothes, but also wearing some 3-6 month as well. He’s just about right on with his months of age.
* Just about the sweetest baby out there, but I could be biased. But, I do think he is now our best baby out of the 3. Colby was a really good baby, but I think Ridley may have surpassed him for now. Things change daily, so you just never know what the next day will hold.
* Pretty sure the little man is going through a growth spurt right now, so that makes him slightly more challenging. Eating all the time, and a bit fussier. 3 month growth spurt, anyone??
* We still think he has his own look and doesn’t really look “just like” either Abriella or Colby. Each of them has had their own look. Some have said he looks just like baby Colby, but when I looked at Colby as a baby, I saw my brother in a big way. I do not see that when I look at Ridley, so to me, they do not look alike. Of course, they all do look like siblings for sure, and definitely can’t deny their parents. 🙂
*Has the best skin of any of our children. All of his milia are finally gone. Yay. He also happens to be our most underbathed baby! Maybe not bathing is much better! (I am not sure he even gets a bath once a week right now…but he still smells good like all babies should!).
Anyway, that seems to be where we are now! We are truly enjoying him! I think one of my girlfriends put it best when she said, “I think 3rd babies are dangerous. I’ve almost forgotten how crazy baby #1 was, I almost want to try for #4!”  HA! Well said. 🙂
Have a great day!