13 Months

On the 22nd of February, Ridley turned 13 months old! (I actually started writing this a couple of weeks ago, but then never got back to it!). The time is flying. Here he is for 13 months:

What has happened in the last month? Here is the rundown.

*Has had 2 more rounds of antibiotics for ear infections. I don’t consider this a happy thing to document, but I want to document it nonetheless. We have his ENT consultation on March 6th, so we’ll see what they have to say!

*Wearing 12 month clothes still. Not big enough for 12-18 months yet.

*Cloth diapers.

*Had gone to sleeping solidly 12-14 hrs at night, but when his ears are not healthy, that goes to pot.

*Has taken 1 or 2 steps several times. I still think we’re a ways from walking, but at least he’s moving in the right direction.

*Has stood up independently a few times.Stephen is the one that sees this all the time. I have missed this one so far.

*Can crawl up and down stairs well, but we still stay right with him in case he makes some wild move to send him flying down the stairs!

*Loves to play! He crawls around and climbs on everything.

* Loves to clap.

*Still nursing with no plans to stop.

*Eats baby food well, as long as he’s feeling good. Otherwise, that’s out the window. Loves to throw food off of his tray into the floor. 🙂

Ok, can’t think of what else he was doing only in his 13th month now. This is why I should do it right when I’m supposed to! He is a little guy, but makes up for it with his big eyes and smile!

Love him to pieces!

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