So, here’s the low-down on Ridley’s ENT appointment.

Wednesday, I took Ridley for his ENT consult. He had a hearing test first, which he did fine on. I figured he would, as I didn’t think he had any hearing loss at this point from repeated ear infections. And, his verbal and behavioral skills are right on as well. So, it was good confirmation of what I already believed. Then, we saw the ENT doctor. He is very nice. I actually saw him once before with Abriella when they sent us to consult about her tonsils. Anyway, he said he’d be great with doing tubes for Ridley. He also wanted to give us the option of “wait-and-see.” Of course, his job is to give alternatives.

If we choose to wait-and-see, then we can keep in contact with the doctor over the next 6 months or so and see how Ridley does. We are getting close to spring and summer, which usually brings less ear infections. Ridley did have some fluid in his ears on the day of the consult, but no infection. Praying that he remains infection free. He completed antibiotics on February 26th, so just over a week before the consult.

So, we have some decisions to make. The ENT doctor went ahead and put Ridley on the books for surgery for tubes for March 26th (because that was actually his first available opening anyway), but we can cancel if we choose to. I know with tubes, this is overall a very simple surgery, and the doctor said it takes 5 minutes, but Ridley would have general anesthesia during the surgery, even though it is such a short surgery. He’s still my baby and it is a surgery, even if it is considered very simple.

So, while I don’t want Ridley to keep having infections, I am not 100% sure that we are ready for tubes either. Here are my thoughts. We are getting close to spring/summer and ear infections are typically lower during this time, so Ridley may be exiting his bad stretch of ear infections for a while. Tubes tend to fall out somewhere around 6-12 months, oftentimes around about 9ish months.  So if he got them now, they could potentially be falling out at peak wintertime, at the time when he is much more susceptible to the colds/flu which tend to lead to those nasty ear infections. So, not sure how helpful that would be.

Also, his hearing has not been affected at all thus far. If it had been, I would not be hesitating on tubes. But, his speech and hearing are great at this time, so that is a huge blessing. So, we have time on our side.

Also, we have the fact that he is still breastfeeding on our side. That definitely helps the cause. Also, he is not in daycare, so that also is a plus. And, the fact that we don’t smoke or hang out with those that do also is an added benefit.

He will grow out of this. Many kids by age 2 are exiting the major issue with ear infections. And, he will continue to have less and less as his body grows.

I am doing something else in the meantime. I have started doing a series of gentle massage techniques on Ridley several times a day to see if that can naturally help him to move the fluid on in his little body, instead of it settling in his ears. Bought the book and video to watch the techniques in action. We will see how it helps. Certainly can’t hurt him. 🙂

So, right now, yes, we are scheduled for surgery on Tuesday, the 26th. However, Stephen and I are leaning very heavily on canceling that surgery. If we can avoid a surgery, that is preferable in my book. If we have to get them later when they might be more beneficial (next fall/winter), that would be better than them falling out before we even get to another cold/flu season. If we can optimize his ability to fight them on his own without antibiotics, that’s great as well! There are many things that this book talks about that really makes sense to me with my medical knowledge. So, I think her views are compelling.

We would love to have prayers that Mr. Ridley would stop having ear infections and that he could avoid ear tubes. Thank you!

And, now, for some pictures of the kiddos! Oh, before that, in other news, Ridley has 2 molars cutting through that are being a bit rough on him. So, now, he is up to 10 teeth! 4 on bottom, and 6 on top. 🙂

For the pictures below, you can click on each one to enlarge it. Then, hit your back button to go back to the post. Enjoy!

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