Here is Mr. Ridley!
Now, is that not the cutest little guy you’ve ever seen?! 🙂 He is quite the character these days, and we love him to pieces! Last Friday, he turned 14 months old. What is he up to?
* Still a lightweight, I’m certain. When we went to the ENT appointment, he was a whopping 19 lbs 6 oz, fully dressed with a cloth diaper on. I doubt he’s a whole lot more than that now. He’s a cutie though! He wears 12 month clothes and we are putting him in some 18 month clothes now, too.
*Still nursing. He has officially nursed longer than either of my other 2.
*He’s very consistent at night—consistently inconsistent, that is! He’ll sleep 12 hrs one night, and get up 2 times the next night. When he wakes up, he eats solidly though, so it’s not a social visit. So, I still get up with him. He’s no chunker, so I figure he needs all the calories he can get, whenever he can get them! Most nights, he’s up 1 time to eat at some point.
* Currently cutting 3 teeth, I believe, which could add to the night wakings as well. He’s getting 2 molars on the top and then Stephen said there is another 1 on the right side that is in front of one of the molars that is cutting through. So, he’s got 8 teeth in and then 3 coming through (those molars take a long time to come through–they are fat teeth!).
*Not walking yet. He’s a fast crawler, and we carry him all over the place, so why walk? HA! He can take a step or 2, but that’s only occasionally. He can stand with no issues, but he likes to stand between me and Stephen and either lurch himself forward or backwards for us to catch him. He thinks it’s hilarious! Silly boy!
*He’s one of few words. He is our pointing and grunting child. He’s smart though! He knows exactly what you’re saying as he responds appropriately to whatever you say. He just doesn’t care to use words much yet. He says things like mama, dadda, hi, and a few others, but mostly, he just holds his hand out (palm up) towards whatever he wants. HA!
*Definitely has an opinion. He likes to shake his head “no” and he uses that gesture often!
*Loves to say “hi” over and over to people. He just learned to wave more consistently (I think this actually should go in the 15 month post, but it just happened this week, so close enough to this month)
*Loves to clap for himself. 🙂 He claps for himself after he waves to someone because we say, “good job!” and he figures that a “good job” is best emphasized with clapping! Sweet boy!
*Eats jar foods–he eats some weird combos such as butternut squash and pear, but then won’t eat things like bananas. Strange! He likes lots of finger foods (like cereals, etc), but he also loves to just toss those on the floor. He does like a few things that we eat, but he still does best if we feed him. Otherwise, he won’t get much in. Once again, the kids needs as many calories as he can get, so we still spoon feed him. Another things is that he doesn’t like cold things. Even room temp food–he’s prefer just a few seconds of warmth in the microwave to get it to his liking. Spoiled, much?! 🙂
*He graduated out of the nursery class at church. So, he’s in the toddler class now—even though he doesn’t toddle yet. HA!
*Still takes a couple of naps a day. They are a little off since the time change. He never really made the time change! So, he’s a bit late on going to bed and all naps. But, it works out fine all in all.
*Loves his daddy! He wants to sit with him at all meals rather than in his high chair. And, of course, Daddy obliges. This little guy knows how to get his way! HA!
That’s about all I can think of right now. He is a super sweet boy, and I agree with Abriella who says, “He sure is a pretty baby.”