Pregnancy Update

So, if you haven’t heard, we’re having a BABY!! We had our big sono last Monday, and the baby was cooperative for all of the measurements and everything appears normal, and the baby was measuring at exactly 19 weeks, which is exactly how many weeks I was! However, our baby appears to be a modest one otherwise. He or she would not show us the goods for anything! This baby sits Indian style for lack of a better way of putting it. The feet are covering the crotch. Then, it did move from that position, but not before putting a hand down in front to cover everything. Then, it moved from that, but had the legs tightly together, so as to continue to keep the gender hidden! I’ve had 3 other docs at work look, and this baby continues with varying positions of the same, never allowing that gender to be seen! Everyone is "leaning toward girl" because it’s modest. But, nobody can say, since we’ve never actually seen in between those legs. So, we’ll continue on the quest for the gender, and let y’all know when we know.

Last night, I felt movement for the first time as well. Well, at least, it’s what I think was movement. I was in bed watching a movie with Stephen when I felt what felt like someone lightly poking me on the inside of my uterus. It did it in 3 different places very close together. It didn’t hurt or anything. Just was a different feeling. I felt it one other time later too. It will be a while before I feel anything regularly, but I’m pretty sure we have officially felt movement for the first time…or at least that I recognized as movement. It was amazing!

Well, that’s all for now. Oh, I added a couple more pictures of me today. I finally am to the point where people are recognizing me as being pregnant! Enjoy!   –jen Laughing

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