
I think I’ll just do a post with pictures primarily. Just a quick update on the toddler. She has really been toddling around lately. It’s really cute. I don’t know when you officially call them “walking.” She started taking unassisted steps at 11 months, but now she lets go of things and walks to and fro, or she stands up and starts walking. But, she still falls a lot (especially when she tries to run!) and probably still does a lot more crawling than walking. Anyway, she’s such a sweetie! Her birthday party is this Saturday. We’re excited about that. My Mom and Stephen’s Dad are coming to help celebrate. Abriella can’t wait! Ok, onto pictures now!

Climbing into her swing! Yikes!New Way to Sit in SwingSTANDING in Swing! Double Yikes!!Reorganizing her changing table. Thanks, Doll!Thank you, Baby, for helping!Practicing wearing her birthday hat!Don’t take a picture of me with bedhead!Playing with the new table she got for her birthday!Fun, Fun!Fun times!Fun racing around the house!I see trouble in the future!Here Mom!Don’t take a picture of me! I’m Stuck!! Help!Yeah for me!She never really liked her Bumbo before, but now she does!TA-DA!Another way to sit in the Bumbo!Reading with DaddyNo idea what this look was!Ready to swim!Are you sure, Mom?Yep, Moms can fit too in desperate times!Should we make her a quarterback?Discovered this drawer a few weeks ago–Climb in, of course!

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4 Responses to Pictures

  1. Jessica says:

    she is darling!!

  2. Mom/Grandma says:

    Can’t wait to see her!

  3. Rebecca says:

    Cute pics! I like the one of her in the hat.

  4. Amanda says:

    Great pics! I especially love the sequence in/with the Bumbo seat. Cracked me up! And I really love her outfit in those pics, too. 🙂

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