Colby without Training Wheels

We go out bike riding every weekend if we can…sometimes twice in a weekend. Every one of the kids love it! Abriella is just great without training wheels now. Those babies are history! Colby is such a boy, so he is a wild bike rider! He loves to go fast, stop fast, look behind him and everywhere but where he’s going, and go in all kinds of zigs and zags. So, we got him knee pads and elbow pads for when he attempts to go without training wheels–well, he wears them all the time while riding, not just when the training wheels are off. And, the fact that he rides as crazy as he does has made his attempts at no training wheels a bit more challenging. He wants to be like his sister, so he keeps trying! Today, he was actually doing better than he ever has! I got a few clips on my phone. These are from today.

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