WATS Sunday

Our church family does something called WATS Sunday twice a year. WATS= We Are The Sermon. A bunch of projects are done around town on this Sunday or even for a weekend or several weekends, depending on how big the project is. There are some HUGE projects that are undertaken, some involving heavy machinery and very skilled work. The project we were a part of was painting a lady’s house and fixing her roof. Some other projects on the ceiling within her house were discovered and completed while we were there. This lady does not go to church with us, but is someone in the community that we learned of and tried to serve. We took all 3 of the kids to this project and they loved it. After lunch, I took them home and Stephen continued to work until this project was done. It’s a good way to teach the kids (and us) to be the hands and feet of Jesus instead of just talking about it inside the church building. Here are a few pictures. Click on any picture to make it bigger.

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