So, I was thinking how there are several individuals in this house that have teeth things going on right now. But, we’re all at different stages. So, Abriella has her 3rd loose tooth, but it’s not ready to come out just yet. She also has her 6 yr molars coming in, so basically, she is teething! Nothing like a cranky 6 year old girl!! HA!
Then, Mr. Ridley also is teething. He has been the slowest (I think) on getting his eye teeth (canines). Well, they are now all 4 coming in at once! Oy! Poor guy. He’s not been particularly happy lately. But, he’s been a trooper all in all! He had his first dental appointment a couple of weeks ago. Cried trough the whole thing…hey, they could see his teeth well that way! HA!
Then, I don’t know if I ever mentioned it on her or not, but I had 4 teeth pulled in July. My 3 remaining wisdom teeth (had 1 pulled while I was pregnant with Ridley), and then a bonus molar that I had. Apparently, my mom had this as well. Lovely weird genetics! Well, you’d think some teeth pulled would be relatively minor. Yes, they put me to sleep and all, but people have this done all the time!
Well, you guessed it, I am not normal. I know, this is not shocking to many of you…maybe all of you! :-p Anyway, I had a hard time with the anesthesia. I passed out afterwards when they got me up to get some xrays after the extractions. I was there WAY longer than typical. I still went home all drowsy and nauseated. It finally wore off—at least the general anesthesia. Now, the numbing of my mouth…well, we are 4 months out, and it STILL isn’t all the way gone. Yup. Lucky me. I still have part of my left lower lip, chin, and teeth that are not completely full of sensation. The oral surgeon did several follow ups to check on my sensation, and then released me, with instructions to return if it wasn’t improving. But, he said it could take up to 6 months to return. The tooth that he pulled on that side was a difficult extraction and right with the nerve there. He said (and even documented) that he saw the nerve during surgery and it was fully intact. So, he had no reason to believe all the sensation wouldn’t return. It’s a nerve that’s encapsulated in bone, so that takes longer to heal.
Anyway, it’s been a terribly painful, irritating, frustrating process, which still hasn’t seen its end. Stephen has a coworker who actually had this happen, too, so it’s not made up. He said it took right at 6 months for all of his sensation to return when he had his wisdom teeth pulled years ago. So, I guess it’s good to actually know someone who went through this.
I have decided I will not have anymore surgeries though! EVAH! If possible!
Enough of my whining. Here are some pictures of the kids! These were snapshots of their recent dentist appointment.