On the 22nd, Ridley turned 22 months. Abriella thought the 22 on the 22nd was pretty cool. And, it is! 🙂  He cracks me up on pictures now. He loves to get in front of the camera. If you tell him it’s picture time, he goes and gets in the chair and waits. But, then he’ll be a booger about looking at you and smiling! He’ll look down, to the side, not smile, etc. Stinker! Here is the best I got, and it was pretty good.  The other pictures are just funny. Oh, and he likes to have some kind of prop, too. He did not want to let go of this CD case! HA!
What’s he up to?
*I’ve weaned him down to one nursing a day now–at bedtime. The plan is to wean him completely in a couple of weeks. It’s been hard on both of us with this weaning. He still asks in the morning and at naptime for milk from mama and when I tell him we can get milk from downstairs, he cries. It’s heartbreaking. I think I’ll be a wreck after the last nursing. Stephen is sure of it as well. 🙂 Gotta have him weaned before Christmas though, since Stephen and I will be cruising for a few days. Don’t want to make it any more difficult on the grandparents than it has to be.
*Speaking more words every day. His communication has really blossomed. It’s fun to hear what new things he’ll say each day!
*Naps once a day for a couple of hours.
*Loves Mama and Daddy. Loves to smile at others, but still not fond of going to anyone but his family. Well, he loves his Sunday school teachers still. Those are the only ones he readily goes to outside of us. Hoping that changes soon to at least the grandparents!!
*Eats some pretty random things, like broccoli and black olives. Seriously, where did this child come from?! I mean, I love steamed broccoli now, but I sure didn’t when I was younger. Gag central! And, black olives?? I still don’t eat those. Stephen likes to put them on homemade pizzas, and Ridley likes to just eat them straight from the can. Odd, I tell ya.
*Loves bike rides as I’ve stated before, and still loves to be outside. He wants to go outside all the time. Unfortunately, right now, we have freezing rain occurring. He thinks we’re just being mean to not let him go outside right now.
*Has a really funny “happy dance” that cracks us up. I have not been able to get it on tape as it happens at random times. It is hilarious though!
*Getting all 4 of his canine teeth in right now. These teeth are so hard as the are pointy and get bigger as they come through. Seems like the hardest ones for kids, in my opinion.
*He does this funny thing when I’m doing read alouds for school. He latches onto words that he recognizes the entire time you’re reading and says them. So, it’s like you have this little nonstop commentary going while trying to read to the others. I have to try hard to keep from laughing.
*Such a delightful child. Seriously love this little guy! There really is something special about 3rd babies. He’s been a blessing to us, indeed. Well, all of our kids are blessings, but I guess we appreciate some of the littler things with each subsequent child. Such a joy!
We love you, Ridster! Can’t believe you are quickly approaching 2!