
All is going wonderfully here. Today, I had confirmation that we still have girl parts, and no boy parts. We’ve been calling her she, so she’s liable to be really mad if she turns out to be a he! Anyway, Abriella is doing wonderfully. She is very active in there! Stephen was able to feel her early last week when he laid his head sideways on my abdomen, like he was listening to her. One night, she was in there kickboxing or something! She kept hitting/kicking the same area (where Stephen’s head happened to be) very hard! She probably did it 10 times or so in a row. It was pretty funny! He can also feel her with his hand too. That’s pretty cool for him! Stephen said he’s ready for her to be here! I’m not! Give me my 4 more months please! haha!

I have posted a couple of pictures of our cradle and our bedding. This cradle is one that my brother and I both slept in as babies. My mom handed it off to us. It had split in two due to time and heat, but Stephen was able to use his good handiwork to get it back together. It just needs to be restained or something now to get it back in tip-top shape. It’s really cool! I’ll probably post another belly pictures this Sunday for my 24 wk shot. I’m excited to reach 24 wks. That’s when babies are considered viable outside the womb (of course, if all odds are in their favor). Anyway, that’s an exciting milestone! Well, hope all is well with everyone!

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