Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus

Yesterday, we got up and went to one of the restaurants at the mall to have breakfast with Santa and Mrs Claus. Our good friends, the Kellars, from church, joined us with their 2 girls. We had a great time and got a few pics with the jolly man and lady. Then, Abriella got her face painted. She wanted to look like Rudolph. I’d say they did a great job! After the eating, we went over to the theater in the mall with our armbands from the breakfast, and saw The Grinch Who Stole Christmas (the one with Jim Carrey). The kids loved it! Well, Ridley got a bit restless, so Stephen took him out a couple of times…the second time he didn’t come back. Ridley is just too young to sit that long. So, they walked around the mall.

After the fun morning, Stephen took the kids and went shopping. I went off by myself and did some shopping as well. It was a busy, but fun day! Just a bit more shopping to do this week, and we’ll be one. Of course, this is the last week to do so, so I guess we’d better get it done! HA! Where has the year gone!? Here are a few pics I took on my phone of the day. Click on the link to go to the album.

Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus
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