One month shy of 2 yrs old! Today, Ridley is 23 months old! Sniff, sniff. Can’t believe we are nearing his 2nd birthday. Here are pictures from today. As you can see, he dressed up big for his photo session. We asked if he wanted to get some pants on, and he said no. Seriously. haha!
Here are the rest of the photos from the photo shoot. Enjoy!
This has been a fun month for Ridley in our eyes. He is at that stage where he adds words all the time! He is our child that is definitely a repeater. He is also a little echo of words that he’s just heard from someone. I don’t recall our other two being quite as much of a repeater as he is. It’s pretty funny sometimes. Definitely have to watch what you say around him. Not that we cuss or anything like that. But, he is always going to be saying what he has heard.
He has been weaned from nursing for a couple of weeks now. He asked several times during the first week to nurse, but has done great overall. He did start getting sick right after I stopped nursing him. He hadn’t been sick in a while, so coincidence or not, it made me sad. I couldn’t help him out with the natural means I had been providing. He’s better now, thankfully.
He’s started counting for us. It typically goes 1, 2,3, 5, 6, 8,9,10,11,13, and then back to 9, 10, etc. He occasionally adds the 12 in there. It’s awfully cute! I have it on video. When I have more time, I’ll upload it.
He loves to “pway” (play) with Daddy. He always finishes before Stephen at supper and is very inpatient and desires to have him go upstairs with him to play. Definitely at the stage where he doesn’t want to go to bed and wants to keep playing.
I do not know how big he is weight wise or height wise. We’ll see in a month! Which reminds me, I need to make his well visit appointment…
Back on the speaking part, he actually speaks pretty clearly, I think. We’ve been blessed with all of our kids talking pretty well. Of course, many of his words are only understood by us, but the words that all understand are pretty clearly understood.
Eats pretty well. Loves random things like black olives and steamed broccoli, but also loves the typical chicken nuggets kid frankenfood. He is always asking for “uggets.” 🙂 And, “ulk” (milk).
Loves to take baths, brush his teeth, and go in the car.
All 4 eye (canine) teeth are almost in. Those are such rough teeth. Glad those are almost completely in.
This kid is such a delight! He’s a bit of a toot at times though, too, but aren’t they all? 🙂
Oh, he has also started going to other people besides us and his Sunday school teachers. Definitely has started branching out. So, hopefully, in the next few days, when he spends time with his grandparents sans his mommy and daddy, he’ll be ok! Crossing our fingers and toes.
So thankful that God blessed us with this little guy! He is about the sweetest thing ever! Love him! Happy 23 months, little man!