Birthday and Ultrasound

Today, I celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 29th birthday! Ok, ok, my 37th birthday if math isn’t your thing. ha! The older two brought me homemade cards in bed. Then, the day pretty much went as normal. We had homeschool to get through. And, we were really working to get it done quickly because Stephen was coming home at lunch.

We managed to do pretty good. Stephen came home at lunch and helped the kids make some muffins and brownies (more for them than for me). I kept doing some school with the kids and he even helped on a few things with them, thankfully!

Then, the kids brought me gifts. A few of the things I received were a glass water bottle, The Sound of Music (yay!!), and a massage foam roller (for your back). Then, the kids sang to me and I blew out my “37” candles. So sweet! Then, we had to pretty quickly get ready to head out to my ultrasound.

Yep, we had our big anatomy sono this afternoon. I always, always get nervous about these. The baby had been moving so much today (really since the middle of the night!), so I guess he/she was excited about today, too! ร‚ย The sonographer asked us first off if we wanted to find out gender or not. They are so good there. We told her no, so when she was ready to go to the upper legs, she told us to look away if we thought we’d recognize anything. Both Stephen and I looked away. She did tell us that the genitalia appeared normal. ๐Ÿ™‚ But, they even put “secret” on the gender part of the report that goes to my midwife, so nobody accidentally gives it away.

Everything they measure and look at appeared to be developing normally, so that is such an incredible blessing!! I’ll be 19 wks tomorrow. Baby averaged 19 3/7 wks (I believe) with range from 18 5/7 to 20 2/7 wks. And, baby weighs about 11 oz. So, healthy size and weight! If you notice (many probably don’t), but the cushiony looking thing all above the baby is my placenta. Nice big anterior placenta!

Here are pictures and videos from the sono. Love them all! Each of the hyperlinks is a little video. I actually had to allow these to run on my computer, too, with some plug in (from this blog that is. Otherwise, they run just fine on my computer). But, they work.


Below is the profile with the other arm:




Below is the baby looking as us:




Below is a foot (notice the 2nd toe is longer than the big toe–that’s from Stephen).


Below is a leg, clearly. ๐Ÿ™‚


Profile (with mouth open):


Another sweet profile:


More in love everyday! We have also pretty much decided on a girl name as of last night (still undecided on the middle name–it’s between two choices). We are still working on a boy name (read: we have no idea yet!).

Thank you for the continued prayers!! We are thankful to see a healthy baby today!! What a perfect birthday gift!! Praying that all continues to go well. I’m feeling good, and for that, I’m also grateful. We anxiously hope and pray to meet this baby, happy and healthy, in a few months!

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