Don’t Play Hide-n-Seek With…

Abriella if it involves objects! Let me explain. So, yesterday, Stephen didn’t have to go to work because he’d had a very long mock disaster recovery exercise in Dallas on Tuesday with work. He didn’t get home until around 1am. Anyway, I was thrilled to have him home! We had a great day and got lots of things accomplished, including setting up our new bed! We have now transitioned from waterbed to Spring Air. Anyway, back to the story. So, Abriella loves to be in our room. There are all kinds of things to get into, including lots of things on our bedside tables. Both Stephen and I have a set of clippers on ours. At one point during the earlier part of the day, Abriella took my clippers and was taking them out of the room. I told her several times to bring them back (even using my mean mommy voice). Well, she responded with throwing them down in anger and saying (er, whining angrily) nnnooooo. Ssssoooo, off to timeout Stephen took her. When she returned, she was better, and I guided her to pick them back up and put them back in their rightful place. She obliged very nicely, and the day went on.

Stephen and I were in our room much of the day draining the waterbed, and Abriella was in there when she wasn’t taking a nap. Well, last night, Stephen starts looking for HIS clippers. Hmmmm, nowhere to be found. So, he comes to borrow mine…hmmm, nowhere to be found! HUH?! Seriously, we can’t remember when we let the child out of our sight in our room yesterday. Well, anyway, we start to search the house in every place we can think that she might have put them…drawers, cabinets, toys, toyboxes, closets, shoes, bags, etc. We both looked for a long time! No such luck!

I quizzed the child this morning. HA! She didn’t tell us anything! All day, I kept my eye out for either set. I seriously couldn’t imagine where she could have put them. They’re too big for her to have eaten! WELL, tonight, during supper, I was getting one of her spoons out of the TOP drawer in the kitchen. And, here is what I found.

Here’s the drawer:

Do you see them??

Stephen and I are seriously confused as to WHEN she did this!! And, it took us nearly 24 hrs to find them. I thought we were going to have to buy new ones. Crazy child! Guess SHE showed US for putting her in timeout for taking the clippers!!

So, here are some more pictures from Abriella’s weekend with Papaw and Janet.

Telling Papaw the ins and outs of going down slides:

She likes to go down on her tummy sometimes:

Filling Papaw’s shirt pocket FULL of rocks:

Making phone calls to her peeps:

In this next picture, she actually has the phone up to her ear…talking to her peeps:

Telling Janet what she’s talking about:

And, finally, our child does like to wear bows! Often, as soon as I lay her down to change her diaper in the morning, she says, “bow” and points to the drawer where they are, and then points to her head. She won’t stop saying bow until you put one on her. So, we are often wearing random bows during the day with whatever she’s wearing. I don’t bother to try to match them around the house! Here she is with the cheesiest grin, wearing 4 bows, I think. Daddy looks almost as cheesy as her!

One other thing I keep forgetting to document here is one of her favorite things to do these days. As I’ve said before, the only thing the child watches on TV is the occasional football with her Daddy. Well, a few weeks ago, Stephen taught her something while they were watching, and she does it all the time now! She stands on her head, yells, “HIKE!” and throws things between her legs! It’s hilarious!! She also will throw her hands up and say something that resembles “touchdown.” Hey, at least she loves football!

Well, I think that’s all for now! Later!

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6 Responses to Don’t Play Hide-n-Seek With…

  1. Amanda says:

    That’s hilarious! She sure showed you! You’d better keep your eye on her. Once my sister threw away an insurance refund check. My parents searched the house all over and finally found it wadded up in the trash. Keep your $$$ out of her reach!

  2. Becky says:

    What a little prankster! I was laughing out loud…

    Likin’ the cheesy smiles, 4 hairbows, daddy & me picture!!!


  3. Holly says:

    cute pic of Stephen and Abriella!

  4. Mom/Grandma says:

    Abriella is a sneaky little booger, isn’t she? It is hard to keep an eye on little ones at times, isn’t it? Glad as always to see the pics!

  5. Rebecca says:

    I love the picture with her four bows! She is sneaky. I’m glad you found them.

  6. Jessica says:

    hilarious story! she has a super cute little smile.

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