
According to a test of mixing my pee with sodium hydroxide this morning, we are going to have another girl Joyner! Let me explain. Stephen’s cousin, Holly, is married to Aaron, who has a PhD in Biochemistry. So, he had a professor from York, Dr. Ray, who had been doing this test to determine the gender of a baby for 30 years and he has never been wrong. You combine about a tablespoon of sodium hydroxide with a urine sample and let it sit for 30 minutes. If it turns orange, pink, or red it’s a girl. If it turns blue or green, it’s a boy.  If you’ve ever heard of IntelliGender, I would assume this is the same thing. Aaron had sent me some of the NaOH, and I did the pee test this morning. So, we’ll find out on December 16th if the test results are right. Well, that is assuming this baby cooperates, unlike our elder child on her big anatomy sono day. I would post a picture of my pee, but I’ll just let you use your imagination (picture orange colored pee!). hehe.

Pregnancy wise, I’m still feeling fairly good. I still have days here and there where I’m a little nauseous, but really it’s minimal. I still have some definite food aversions, but overall, the range of foods I eat is much broader than when preggo with Abriella. Thankfully, I’m feeling good this go round so that I can regularly walk with Amanda, otherwise, the pounds would really be piling on! Of course, we’re about to enter the holiday season…

Well, that’s all for now. I’ll post a more interesting post later for those that prefer not to hear about my urine! Have a good day! But, before I go, please keep Holly and Aaron and their unborn daughter in your prayers. They had their anatomy sono this week, and there were several major things seen on the sono that are very serious. They are continuing to do testing and seeing several specialists to find out more. You can read their blog for further information.

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5 Responses to So…

  1. Chrissy says:

    Lots of girl cousins, yeah!!

  2. Rebecca says:

    I am curious to see if the test works. I’m sure it was cool to see orange pee either way 🙂

    I will keep your friends in my prayers, how scary.

  3. Becky says:

    Whoo-RAY for orange pee pee and for another GIRL Joyner…maybe?!??!!!

    Pretty cool either way 🙂

  4. Jessica says:

    Exciting!! That test is great!

  5. Tricia says:

    oh, you just wait…it’s a girl 🙂

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