Valentine’s Day, Belly Shot, Doctor’s Visits and Other Stuff

News filled post coming up here with lots of pictures! If you don’t like looking at pictures, skip this post!

First, we must wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! Abriella has enjoyed the day. She wore a new outfit that her Papaw and Gammy sent to her especially for the occasion. We tried to get her to pose for some shots so they could see her in the outfit, and that always ends up being work to achieve! We told her to stand by the door for a picture, and this is what we got…

We kept telling her to turn around, and we finally got this…

Ok, side note here for all you fashion critiques out there (you know who you are!). The child picked out the shoes, and her Daddy put on her socks…need I say more?!

And, here’s the “Can you smile, Abriella?” picture… I didn’t think these fake smiles came until later in life!

Then, we made cookies. Fun times with a 19 month old!

Can we have some cookie with our sprinkles?!

Do you see where these sprinkles are going? NOT on the cookies!

Showing off her handiwork before they are baked. Do you see her little hand picking off the sprinkles to test?

And, here she is enjoying the final product. She thought they were pretty tasty!

We also attempted to make some valentines for her cousins and grandparents. She put stickers on, but then wanted to take them off, put them on the wall, the floor, her playmat, her kitchen…

And, finally for Valentines Day, we attempted to get a few more pictures in her outfit…

We’ve had a great Valentine’s Day! Stephen brought home flowers for both me and Abriella yesterday. What a great husband and Daddy!!

Ok, now for my latest belly shot. This was taken today. I’m 26 4/7 wks today. Colby is definitely growing in there!

Here’s 26 wks last pregnancy…

This week, Abriella and I have both been a bit under the weather. I’ve been having dizzy spells, for which I’ve self-diagnosed anemia of pregnancy (I have no lab results to base this on at this point). I’ve started taking iron, and today is the first day since Tuesday that I haven’t felt dizzy at any point.  So, who knows.  Abriella, on the other hand, started acting a little off last weekend. She vomited a couple of times on Monday night and she seemed to feel better after that, and acted good on Tuesday as well. On Wednesday, she woke up with a fever and back to feeling bad, so we took her to the doctor. Based on the history we gave, the doctor thought it could possibly be a urinary tract infection. So, fun with cathing her to get some urine occurred! Abriella was NOT a fan. The dipstick of the urine looked ok, but questionable, so the doc decided to go ahead and start her on antibiotics. I called on Friday afternoon for the results of the culture…nothing! So, we stopped the antibiotics. She is better now, so I guess it was a virus of some sort after all. I’ll also note her weight at this appt too (since I’m bad about putting things in her baby book). It was 23 lbs 10 oz (still in 25%). They didn’t do her height, but I know she’s growing taller! Another gross TMI sidenote is that she hasn’t pooped in 4 days now…I can see her little belly pooching out in some of these pictures today. It’s going to be ugly when it happens! I’m sure it’s a nice side effect of being sick and the antibiotics.

I ordered Abriella’s bed this week. It should get here next week. This is what we’re getting. It’s a toddler bed that will convert into a daybed and then into a full bed. I’m excited about it!

I also got the bedding for Colby. I found it on a website and then found it even cheaper on Ebay. I’ve never bought anything off of Ebay, so I was pretty proud of my bidding success. Even better is that we won’t have to repaint the nursery! This bedding goes perfectly with the wall color in there! Yeah!!

Other exciting things that have occurred this week are that I had the EXTREME pleasure of delivering the baby of one of my friends on Monday. Beth and Brian go to church with us and are in our church class. We planned for me to catch the baby since she was delivering at the hospital I work at. It was such an honor to be a part of that new beginning for them. Beth worked so hard and Max was born weighing in at 8 lbs 10 oz.  He is such a handsome guy!! I don’t think he’s too young for Abriella at all! Hey, I’m 2 years and 2 months older than Stephen! Beth, I hope you don’t mind, but I snatched this picture from your website…

Ok, I think I’ll stop this insanely long post now! If you’ve hung in there this long, you are dedicated!! I’m just cramming lots of stuff into one post since I’ve been a bit lazy on posting lately.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

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8 Responses to Valentine’s Day, Belly Shot, Doctor’s Visits and Other Stuff

  1. Chrissy says:

    Abby looks super cute in her outfit!! Love Colby’s bedding and Abby’s bed. Sorry, we did not send out any valentines this year, we are losers!!!! Love all the pictures as usual.

  2. Chrissy says:

    By the way, wasn’t Abriella born at 37 weeks???? You could have baby number 2 in 2 1/2 months!! Crazy!! Little Colby is almost here!

  3. Mom/Grandma says:

    Abriella is growing taller and is a cutie in her little outfit! Looks as if she enjoyed the cookie baking! Lots of fun with Little Sweetness! Nice looking toddler bed! And you are looking good, too!

  4. Rebecca says:

    It looks like you have been quite busy. What a great mom to make cookies with a 19 month old! And yeah for catching Max. I’m sure that was really neat.

  5. Holly says:

    Cute pics! Glad to see Colby is growing!

  6. Kristi says:

    Looks like you were Martha on Valentine’s, yourself! Super fun! You are braver than I am, at this point the four year old is my main kitchen helper. I am not sure the two year old is ready for it (or at least I’m not….sad, huh?).
    Loved her adorable outfit. And Colby’s bedding is so cute!! Can’t wait to meet him!

  7. Matt says:

    This post was great. I loved all the pictures of Abriella. She’s getting so big! Thanks for keeping us updated!

  8. Beth says:

    I adore the picture of Abriella standing by the door. Too cute!! She is such a neat little girl. Max and I feel honored to have made your blog. 🙂 I love the bedding for Colby. I can’t wait to see his nursery!

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