Nothing New Really

Well, nothing much new going on around here. I went to check out the swim team today. I’m really pumped about that. I think it’s going to work out. I’ll keep you updated on that. I’ve continued to walk on nearly a daily basis with Amanda in our neighborhood. We go around 9:30 or 10 at night. It’s still really hot, but at least the sun is not beating down on us. Bethany (her 9 month old) is asleep by then. Plus, several nights a week, we have to wait until the guys are done working out before going walking, and they tend to go late. It’s fun to walk with her. We are never at a loss for conversation…and always trying to solve the world’s problems.

We had game night this weekend and had a rousing game of Mexican Train that ended with me clearly in last place. I was ruined by one hand where I happened to be attempting to multitask by also reading a magazine article, and I really messed up! I’m clearly not made for multitasking when it comes to games. It was all down hill from there. I definitely want a rematch!

I’ve been off of my thyroid medication for almost a month now, and I’m feeling good. Hoping to stay off of that forever.

And, now for a random thought. I’ve recently realized how much older I’m getting. When I can start relating things to a decade ago…that makes me feel OLD! When I can say, yea, I haven’t swam competitively in 10 years, or it’s time for my 10 year high school reunion…Well, let’s just say, I’m much older than I feel. In many ways, I still feel like a kid, yet when I think about how old I am, I realize that I guess I should be feeling older. I do have a hard time coming up with words and names already though, so that’s not a good sign. However, I’m trying to delay my dementia by doing Sudoku puzzles daily. I think it’s somewhat akin to doing daily crossword puzzles. I don’t know.

Anyway, I guess I’ll end this pointless update. I had an anonymous commenter telling me I needed a new post, so I’m trying to please. Have a great week all.


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