I’ve Got a New Bed!

Ok, it’s not as grand as it sounds. Lately, on top of the nausea and major fatigue, I’ve had allergies…that turned into a very bad sinus headache! EVERYTHING, I mean EVERYTHING, from my shoulders up HURT. I couldn’t turn my neck much, it hurt to lay down, bend over, etc. I felt more nauseated from the sinus issues/dizziness that comes with that. I did vomit several times yesterday, and I think it was probably from that more than pregnancy related nausea. Anyway, there isn’t much of anything you can do during the first trimester for sinus congestion. Even if I felt comfortable taking Sudafed during the first trimester, I wouldn’t, because with my history of thyroid disease, Sudafed is not a good choice for me. It really makes my heartrate shoot up, and I don’t feel well. Anyway, back to my new bed. Since I felt worse laying down, I took up residence in the living room recliner. I’ve slept in there the last two nights. It really hasn’t been too bad, and since I’m not fully reclined, it really is much better.  I’ve been taking Tylenol, but that really doesn’t do much for sinus pain. But, I started up my saline sinus washes a few days ago (aka shooting saline water up your nasal passages with a big squirt bottle). Today, I woke up and only one side of my body hurt, so that was a major improvement! I think I may just actually live. I’m very thankful! I will probably sleep in the recliner for at least one more night, since I think that helps things drain in the right direction for now as well. Thankfully, while I was sitting very still on the couch or in the chair the last few days, Abriella has played remarkably well. Of course, she was making quite a mess since I wasn’t paying very close attention, but no harm was done.

All in all, I think this pregnancy is better than the last one thus far. My nausea is different this time, so far. It seems to be quite a bit more manageable. I’m praying that remains the case. I take naps when Abriella does, so that’s nice too. I’m looking forward to the “feel good” part of pregnancy. Last pregnancy, that was really only about 6 wks of the pregnancy (from about 22 wks to 28 wks)! Praying this one is better.

Onto the child. Her latest, greatest feat is climbing onto the couch. We have a pretty high couch, so we were hoping it would be a while longer, but no. It’s happened. She loves to get up on it and run from end to end. Great, I know! Initially, we sat with her on the couch, as she thought she could just step off of the couch, and…I don’t know…the angels would catch her?! She has since learned that she has to turn around and actually slither off of the couch. She does quite well. And, now she just gets up there, and sits more than runs around. Much calmer and safer, for that matter.

We have recently had to reinitiate time-outs. There was a while where they just didn’t seem necessary. The whining, fit-throwing for not getting what she wants have recently started. Thankfully, she must remember something from months ago, because I’ve only had to threaten her with time-outs for the most part, and she straightens up pretty quickly. So, that’s a blessing for sure! It’s just one of the phases where she’s testing the boundaries, and we are trying to help her define them appropriately! Ah the joys of parenting.

Our FPU lifestyle change is going well. I’ve canceled most of my credit cards, and Stephen is working on that, too. That really wasn’t too painful, as I rarely used them, and if I did, I paid them off immediately. This way, there is no chance of accidentally missing a payment, and incurring ugly interest charges. We have also initiated a cash-only envelope system for several categories, like groceries/toiletries, eating out, miscellaneous/blow money, etc. I will go every 2 wks to the bank (when Stephen gets paid), and withdraw a certain amount for each category (that is decided with our monthly cash flow plan aka budget). Then, that is all the money we get for those, and if it runs out before the 2 wks is up, well that’s too bad. But, it does help, as now it’s a little more “painful” to watch that cash go, whereas when you just charge things or debit card them, you don’t think about it much. So, I think it will definitely save us money. Yeah!

Well, I suppose I’ll stop babbling for now, and leave you with a few pictures. First, she likes to get into her ottoman and read. Problem is, she can’t always get out.

Next, sadly, she must get her fashion sense from her daddy! We’re working on it. See, I gave her a catalog to get some ideas of how to dress properly! HA!

Next, several pictures of her fun on the couch!

Her expression in this next one cracks me up!

This is what the child loves to do all day! Drink milk! We’ve been trying to give her juice, but she takes a sip, makes the funniest expression (same one every time!) and then signs for milk! But, she loves to say juice and gets excited if you ask her if she wants it. But, she doesn’t really mean it! What child loves milk over juice?! Stephen Joyner’s child…that’s who! Definitely his child in that realm.

One day, I caught Abriella taking her cheerios out of her bowl and organizing them on the end table. It was so funny. No idea what she was doing, but she was deep in concentration. Oh, and notice the pillows lined in front of the couch to the side. This is what we did for a few days, as she would climb onto the couch while I was cooking, and I couldn’t watch her. This was for her safety. Did her grace a few times, but now she’s smarter.

Stephen was returning a page to work, and Abriella got one of the remotes and this is what I saw. She was really listening to what was going on from that remote.

Here, she looks like she’s telling someone what to do! Looks like she’ll be a good business woman!

Ok, that’s all folks. Until next time!

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5 Responses to I’ve Got a New Bed!

  1. Melissa says:

    Sorry you’re not feeling well. I absolutely feel your pain with the allergies/sinus during the 1st trimester. I do love the new Abriella pictures though! It must be really hard feeling sick with a toddler all over the place. Hope it gets better soon!

  2. Mom/Grandma says:

    Abriella has MISCHIEF written all over her!ha! Always like to see her pix, but, then, what grandma doesn’t?

  3. Rebecca says:

    Hang in there, hopefully the sinus stuff will go away. I love the picture of Abriella with the cheerios! Wouldn’t it be neat if we knew what they were thinking about?

  4. Becky says:

    OH MY HEAVENS…amen sister! I NEVER had allergies in my life before moving to central Texas…cedar and ragweed are HORRIBLE down here!! Hope you feel better soon 😉

    Fave Pic…Abriella with the “deer in headlights” big eyed look…I didn’t do it Mommy!!! Such beautiful baby blues.

  5. Steph says:

    LOL, your Abriella acts just like my Abriella, right down to using a remote as a phone. Ella also uses the computer mouse, her shoes and anything else she can get ahold of to use as a phone.

    And, I agree, it’s crazy to prefer milk over juice, but my Ella does the same thing. As a matter of fact, she won’t drink juice or cows milk. She still will only drink breastmilk and water. Weird child. I’ve even tried bribing her with the individual Horizons Chocolate milks, but no go.
    *sigh* what to do with weird babies???

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