Monthly Archives: January 2012

What’s in a name?

Ridley David Joyner Some have asked us where we got the name Ridley.  Contrary to what some may think, it was not from Ridley Scott, the famous film director and producer.  However, that was the name that I thought of … Continue reading

Posted in Ridley | 1 Comment

More of the Ridster!

We are continuing to do well here. Ridley had his 3 day follow-up and only lost 4 oz from his birthweight, so he didn’t drop below 6 lbs, so that made me happy. He got the lovely heel stick done … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

More Pictures

We have done the typical already…not take many pictures of the 3rd child! We have just been soaking up the time with Ridley, but have failed to take many pictures. Sorry! We’ll try to take more! So, this is my … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby Joyner #3, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Stephen | 2 Comments

Introducing Ridley David Joyner!

Ridley David Joyner Born January 22, 2012 2:20 pm 6 lbs 4 oz 20 inches long Our newest family member surprised us with his arrival on Sunday. We were not expecting him just yet. He was born into the loving … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby Joyner #3, Colby, Family, Jennifer, News, Stephen | 2 Comments

What’s Happening (LOTS OF PICTURES)

Well, we are back into the swing of preschool and attempting to re-enter some routine. The last few weeks have been a bit crazy. Here’s a recap. The week before Christmas, I finally gave in and sought some medical intervention … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby Joyner #3, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Stephen | 1 Comment

Gender Poll!

We are rapidly approaching the arrival of baby #3. What do you think the gender will be?? Here is some info to help, maybe. I was sicker this time than with Colby, but not as sick as with Abriella. I … Continue reading

Posted in Baby Joyner #3, Family | Leave a comment

We Have a Reader!

Well, I learned something new this weekend.  Abriella, age 4, can read!! Let me explain. She has “read” books to us before, but they were books that we had read to her millions of times, so I was pretty sure … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 1 Comment