Category Archives: News

Some Serious Backtracking

Ok, I’m going to be going back and adding pictures from where I left off! This is going back to December 2015! Let’s see how this goes! December 3, 2015: All of 3rd grade in the Providence program tonight. Abriella is … Continue reading

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Can I Even Catch Up??

I really have this desire to return to blogging. Somehow, maybe I can catch up on pictures. It may be a lost cause and I’ll just have to pick up from this point. Quick recap: Abriella is 9 years old … Continue reading

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4 Kids = Busy and Blessed!

I just don’t find myself with tons of extra time these days! Well, if I am sitting still, which really does happen a bit, it’s nursing a baby. So, that leaves me unable to update a blog! I am able … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Charlie’s Birth Story

As is my tradition, I am documenting my birth story. If not for anyone else, I like to remember how each child entered the world. So, read if you like, but also know that there may be what some consider … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Baby Arrival!

So, our sweet, sweet blessing has arrived! Friday, August 21st at 5:56 am 7 lbs 2 oz 20 1/2 inches We have a new baby BOY! Charles (Charlie) Samuel Joyner We are soooo thankful for his safe arrival! Samuel means … Continue reading

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37 weeks and 1st Day of School

Here we are at 37 wks! I am considered term now! Yay! Here is a picture from today. Last night, I was having strong braxton hicks contractions for quite a while into the night. I started to think they might … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby | Leave a comment

33 + wks

Today, I am 33 2/7 wks. Here is a picture of me this past Sunday, 2 days shy of 33 weeks. I am feeling thankful. Thankful that we have a seemingly very strong baby. The movements sure would indicate such! … Continue reading

Posted in Baby #6, Family | 1 Comment

31+ wks Pregnant and Dreaming!

Well, here we are in the final few weeks. Will baby’s birth be close to Ridley’s arrival at 36 3/7 wks or closer to Colby’s at 38 1/7 wks? Or will this baby hang out longer in the cooker? I’m … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6 | Leave a comment

Likely Name Choices

Wow, I didn’t realize I was behind a few weeks on the ole blog in this pregnancy! It’s been busy with the kids out of school. A & C have been out since the 12th. R had his last day … Continue reading

Posted in Baby #6, Family | 1 Comment

A Tough Balance

On Tuesday, April 21st, it was another one of those days of balancing joy and pain/grief. We celebrated 20 weeks of pregnancy with this newest baby Joyner. He or she is such a mover! I love that. Here is a … Continue reading

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