Monthly Archives: February 2015

Baby Joyner 6 Update, 12 Weeks

Today, sweet baby Joyner is 12 wks. I took my last progesterone pill on Sunday. I felt better about stopping it then as opposed to my feelings a few days leading up to then. I thought possibly I might have … Continue reading

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Well, I have 2 more progesterone pills left. I’m excited but a little nervous! But, it seems like just about everyone gets nervous about getting to the point of stopping them. But, I’m trying to just trust and believe that … Continue reading

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A New Song Favorite

Songs bring lots of emotions, both good and sad, for me. There are many that I have found comfort in over the last few months. There are some that take me back to some sad times. Then, there are some … Continue reading

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Almost 11 weeks

Tomorrow, I’ll be 11 wks. The nausea is still in full force. For a few days, I thought maybe it was decreasing a little bit. In the back of my mind, I thought, hmmm, I remember with other pregnancies a lull … Continue reading

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Latest Ultrasound – 10 wks

On Tuesday of this week (2 days ago), I was 10 wks. Stephen and I attended a counseling session that morning. In this particular session, we ended up revisiting some of those very, very dark days last year. As I’ve … Continue reading

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Progesterone Update

On Thursday, I had my blood drawn again for progesterone. I’ve been taking 200mg twice a day since my last lab draw. So, the 1st time I had it drawn, it was 31. Then, it was 22 the next time, … Continue reading

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Update 9 2/7 wks

Today, I’m 9 wks 2 days. As we’ve said before, we are thankful for each day of pregnancy with this sweet baby. We do not know what the future holds, but we deeply desire to hold this child in our … Continue reading

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Just Can’t Do It

I am 8 wks 5 days today. For a couple of babies, we’ve found the heartbeat at home by doppler by this time–Ridley and Tiny. But, I just cannot bring myself to pull out my doppler anytime soon. Why? Well, … Continue reading

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