Are Blogs Still A Thing?

Do people still read family blogs? I imagine the social media world took over the place of blogging years ago. However, I’m wondering if it might be better to return to this type platform. I haven’t typed a blog entry for nearly 6 years!

Is it even worth returning to this type of sharing? I do not share on social media as I once did. There was just too much noise from everyone else. It was time-consuming. It was addictive. It was mindless…yet it consumed my mind! Fascinating, right?

Well, here’s to a {possible} start to blogging. I’m not committed, that’s for sure! But, this little entry will serve as the place-marker.

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Three Years

Three years today. That’s when your tiny body was born, gently cushioned within the watery home which was to be yours for a few months more. Your profile in that sac, floating in clear waters, was so perfect. It was hard to believe that your body was lifeless. You were tiny, but you had cute little arms and legs, already had all your fingers and toes, two teeny ears, dark eyes, and your nose forming. Your spine was so clear through the translucent skin. Your mouth appeared to be smiling. We took so many pictures of you, like any doting parent, just so we could never forget that you were real. You were not a figment of our imagination.

You entered early in the morning after a day full of Easter activities. We had been anxiously anticipating your arrival after learning your heart was no longer beating 6 days before. Our family Easter pictures the day before included you within my womb, but you were really already in another home. It all felt surreal. We were heartbroken and utterly devastated. I can still feel the incredibly deep ache of those days and weeks to follow. Oh, it all felt so dark.

As I think of you, I wonder what those sweet little features would’ve grown into. Would those dark eyes be blue like your siblings? Would that nose look like mama’s or daddy’s? I felt like you were going to be another little boy, but were you really a girl? Were you the sister Abriella had been desiring? It was just a little too early to tell for sure. Would you start out blond and then end up dark headed like your sister and brothers? What would your cry sound like? What would your little voice have to say as you grew? What would your name be? We left your name as Tiny Joyner –that is what your siblings named you when they learned of you weeks before. I’ve often had thoughts of changing your name to something else, as your impact in our lives has never felt tiny at all! Oh, sweet baby, I know that God has the perfect name for you! What is it, dear one? I have had so many dreams and thoughts about you.

I don’t know these details about you, but your heavenly Father knows more about you than I could ever fathom. He knew all of your days before there were any. He knew you wouldn’t be with us long before you were with us at all. You have another sibling that also went to heaven ahead of you. I imagine you have met. Oh, I just wonder what it’s like in heaven! Is it just amazing?! I know it must be! While I miss you both, I know that you want for nothing. You lack nothing. This world was never meant to be your home. This world is not my home either, but I must pass through for a little while longer.

Sweet Tiny Joyner, today is a day that I will never forget. The ache that was once so heavy is lighter now. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; Blessed be the name of the Lord.* These words used to sting so badly. The tears burned hot. Now, I can read them with more understanding. The tears now don’t fall like they once did. Your place in our family may not be evident to many, but it is precious to me. God used you in mighty ways to show us so much more about Himself. One day, I pray that I will get to see my Lord and Savior face to face. I want to see what you see. For you, I imagine today was as amazing as any day in heavenly eternity. It’s truly beyond my comprehension for now. One day, it will all be clear. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.**

I love you, sweet one! Three years closer.

*Job 1:21 **1 Corinthians 13:12


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Some Serious Backtracking

Ok, I’m going to be going back and adding pictures from where I left off! This is going back to December 2015! Let’s see how this goes!

December 3, 2015: All of 3rd grade in the Providence program tonight. Abriella is in front in the black and ivory dress.

Dec 5, 2015: 3 out of 4 isn’t too bad. Ha! Our bribe wasn’t enticing enough for Ridley.
(Maybe I should say 3 out of 5 since Santa doesn’t look to jolly, either!)

He’s a pro!

These were pictures taken by our friend Melissa of me nursing Charlie when he was a newborn. Such a sweet gift to be able to nurse a sweet baby again.

This was from baby dedication/blessing at the end of November 2015 at our church.

Dec 9, 2015: Final Christmas choir practice before Sunday. Come to TBC at 9:30 or 11 on Sunday to hear them sing and hear a cute 6 y/o boy say some scripture too.

Dec 10, 2015: These were from homeschool last Friday. The things he loves: smiling, watching his siblings, and eating his hands.

Dec 10: What a fun day! Two end of semester Christmas parties and then a preschool program! Tonight, it made my heart so proud as I watched my older two wave at and clap for Ridley. They are so proud of their brother! What a blessing! (Ridley is the one in red–ha! Abriella with Mrs. Heisch. Colby with Mrs. Lehmann).

A funny that Abriella said on Dec 11, 2015: “I’ve reached a hard age.” – Abriella, age 8.

First amber necklace.

Dec 12, 2015: First successful bottle! Abriella fed him a second one, too! Yay!!
(Of course, he’s not letting me out of his sight now–I was gone a whole 4 hours!! Ha!)

Dec 13, 2015: This was just a short clip on my phone from this morning’s Christmas choir. Colby is the boy that recites scripture. Abriella is a row above him. We are so proud of all of these kids this morning! These were kids from 4 yrs to 4th grade.

Dec 14, 2015: Charlie representing his daddy’s company.

Dec 16, 2015: Checked out books for research.  This was when we were considering getting guinea pigs (spoiler: we did get two).

Dec 19, 2015: Hahaha!! Ridley found a few things in the closet.

A little extra time before gymnastics this past week. I’m glad he is strong because we never do on-the-floor “tummy time” with him.

Pictures from Ridley’s preschool Christmas party. He loved having his siblings there! (these are not in order, but that’s ok)

Nothing hotter than a baby-wearing daddy!

Came home from the store to find this on our street.

Dec 21 funny:

“First one to get to bed may get to open the first gift tomorrow.”

I’ve never seen my children running so fast to get baths and showers!! Ha! Mom win!

Ok, that’s all I’m doing tonight. Start with Charlie’s 4 month pics next post. (Yes, I realize he’s nearly 19 months now… hang with me here!)

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Can I Even Catch Up??

I really have this desire to return to blogging. Somehow, maybe I can catch up on pictures. It may be a lost cause and I’ll just have to pick up from this point.

Quick recap:
Abriella is 9 years old and in 4th grade
Colby is 7 years old and in 2nd grade
Ridley is 5 years old and in Pre-K
Charlie is 18 months old and with mama

All are busy and active! Abriella is taking Violin lessons. Colby is taking piano lessons. Both Abriella and Colby practice with the gymnastics team. They are not competing this year, but may consider doing that this next year. Ridley also takes gymnastics once a week. Charlie does his best to try to keep up with all of them!

We are busy and blessed! Here is a picture from Christmas.

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Nov 2015 Pictures

Ok, here’s to more catch-up.

Nov 2: Nice day to do school outside.

Nov 4: Charlie is enjoying school outside again.
“Mommy, take a picture of me and Charlie.”
Nov 5: Pa-pa and Grandma Joyner and Aunt Cindy came to visit.
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Fun exercise in the Joynerzone!
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Nov 6: Quick visit from Great Grandma Joyner, Great Aunt Cindy, and Pa-pa.
These two share a birthday. This is Colby’s Great Grandma Joyner. This is the first time they’ve met in person.
Nov 14: Fun birthday party today! Yes, Ridley was there, too, but didn’t want to ride the horse or touch the animals
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Nov 15: This is how I’m able to fold clothes.
Nov 16: He likes to hang out in my lap for school.
Nov 18: A nice warm bath after a very fussy day always helps!

Nov 19:

Hi, friends! Smile today! And, smile with your whole body so all pictures of you are blurry!(Yes, I need to quit being lazy and get out the real camera instead of the smart phone).


Nov 19: Thanksgiving feast with Ridley (and Charlie). Also went to eat lunch beforehand with the olders, but failed to take a picture.


Ridley with his teacher, Mrs. Andrea!


Nov 20: Isn’t this how you like to sleep?! Cherishing him napping with me during school, but also looking forward to him taking longer naps in his bed, too.


My boys! ♥


Nov 21: This big guy is 3 months old today! He adds so much joy to our house! He smiles and talks to us more and more. He often likes to visit with mommy and daddy after the other kids go to bed. But, he does sometimes go to sleep for the night shortly after they do, too.

He still doesn’t care to sleep in his bed for naps much during the day. He sleeps great in his bed at night though. He sleeps long stretches at night most nights, but still occasionally does some frequent wakings, which is completely normal. He’s still sleeping in the pack n play in our room. His nursery upstairs remains unoccupied. We enjoy having him in the room with us! None of our others stayed in our room near this long! smile emoticon

He is moving into 3-6 month clothes now. We fully cloth diaper him during the day, but haven’t converted at night. No good reason for that.

He is looking more and more like his brothers as he gets older. Definitely a Joyner boy!

He is about as sweet as they come! He is the most easy going baby of all of ours, which is such a blessing, being the 4th! We love him so much!! His siblings still adore him!! Happy 3 months, Prince Charles!

(We completely put the wrong stuffed animal with him in this picture this morning. haha!)


Nov 22: He looks so much bigger already! These were taken when he was 8 days old!


Where the Wild Things Are anyone?? Thank you to Nan Smith for the awesome outfit! He rocked it at church this morning!


Nov 23: Two good naps in his bed today! We’ll do this one while mommy cooks!


Nov 26: Exciting game of UNO with Grandma.


Grandma and Charlie talking


Nov 28: Today’s car ride home was heaps better than on the way to Grandma’s!


More pictures from when Charlie was 8 days old.


Nov 29: Abriella getting her ears pierced. The deed is done. Can’t say I was overly impressed with our Claire’s experience, but it’s done now. The picture story is fun to look through here.



Ok, that’s all for November. Next post will be December. Yes, these are all from my facebook account if you are there. I just want to save these somewhere besides there.



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Sooo far behind!

Ok, so first off, we have had a MAJOR life event that occured at the end of January into February that landed Ridley in the hospital for 6 nights. We are still following up on all of that. I plan to try to fully document that here, too, so I can remember details later, too. But, let me try to go back and attempt to catch up. HA! I’m 5 months behind on pictures! Oy! Best hop to it, right?!

Sept 29: Love when babies sleep in the froggy position. ♥ We’ve been busy today, so we’re finally taking a rest at home.

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Oct 1: Tomorrow, Charlie will be 6 wks old! What?! Went for our appt today.  Sandra has been my amazing Certified Nurse-Midwife with Ridley, through our two losses, and with Charlie. We have been so incredibly blessed by her! She’s not just a midwife, but an amazing friend, a shoulder to cry on, and so much more! Bethaney was with us for this birth and her sweet encouragement was just perfect. Our family is so thankful for these ladies!


Oct 2: It matters not what filter (if any) that I use, the dark circles under my eyes remain (I even have makeup on). Would I like more sleep? Absolutely. Does having a sweet baby sleep on me get old? No way. Am I thankful? Without a doubt.


Oct 4: My favorite part of this picture is hard to see but check out the leg rolls forming at the bottom of the picture! Grow baby, grow!


Oct 5: Getting more chins everyday! ♥


Oct 6: We are more likely to catch the sleepy smiles on camera than the awake ones right now. I love them all!


Oct 8: A little extra time before preschool well spent. 🙂


Oct 8: Who slept a 5 hr stretch last night that mommy got to enjoy, too?! Yep, this sweet boy! (4 hrs x 2 the night before!). I know better than to expect this on a regular basis, but we’ll take it when we can!


Oct 8: Didn’t get a picture before it went to school and lost the oars on the other side, but this is the Viking ship Abriella made all by herself for a history project. Proud of her hard work (and thankful for art camp that taught her how to work with clay!).


Oct 9: Charlie slept over 7 hrs straight last night! I only woke up a few times during that stretch, so I’m feeling pretty good!! God knew I needed some better sleep, especially while Stephen was gone. Thank you, God!! And, a picture just for kicks. Charlie loves to look at himself in the mirror.


Oct 10: Daddy strategically took Charlie… So we are playing a little settlers of catan.

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Oct 12: Fun doing a fall craft with friends this morning! This was with the Farnham family. We first met them a few years ago when we did Kindermusik at their house. They have grown by 2 since then (now have 5). Wonderful christian family!

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Oct 14: Good morning!!


Oct 15: National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day: A sister Hope Mom. Thankful for the relationships with some beautiful and strong mamas! (My friend Emily Copeland)


More from Oct 15:

This morning, as I was waiting on balloons for tonight, I was talking with the lady blowing up the balloons. Charlie was with me and she asked about him. I said he was my 4th, not even wanting to get into what the balloons were for. Sometimes, i just don’t want to go there. She said she had 2 and they were 9 years apart. Something immediately inside me felt like there was a story in that.

I kept quiet and we continued to talk about babies. She then went on to “randomly” share that she had dealt with infertility and years of failed treatments before her 2nd was conceived naturally. Ah… I then shared that the balloons were actually for babies lost, and that we had 2 not with us. She was so sweet, compassionate, and not awkward at all, and recognized how Charlie was such a blessing. She was actually familiar with the significance of today. She then blew a kiss to the balloons, and said “Mmm, sending them off with love.” It was obvious she meant it.

I know many women in this journey also have infertility as part of their story. Some of you have gone through years of treatments only to give those babies back to God. Some of you have gone through years of treatments, and your dreams of ever having life grow within your womb have never been fulfilled. Some of you are dealing with infertility after one or more of your babies have already gone to heaven, when that was never an issue before.

Everyone has a story. God is weaving it together in ways we may never understand. I believe He is sovereign and He is good, even when this life hurts so much. As I send these balloons off tonight, I’m praying for hope for you, too. Hope in the One who will redeem every bit of this life one glorious day. Hope in getting to see our Savior face to face one day. Choose Hope. ♥

More from Oct 15: This evening, we sent up balloons to remember and honor our babies that are enjoying the presence of Jesus already. We wrote notes to our Teeny and Tiny. Tiny would’ve been a year old this month had he made it near his due date. We miss our babies, but have we ever been changed because of them! We are choosing hope today. Hope of sitting in the presence of our God one day. (I had baby spit-up on me in my picture 😉 )

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Oct 16: These two. Not sure you can find a bigger fan of Charlie than Colby.


Oct 17: Sweet baby breaths in my neck. I don’t want to take any of it for granted. ♥


Oct 19: Enjoyed a cool walk this morning.


Oct 20: One sleeping, one crying. (both rear-facing in their seats)


Oct 21: Different strategy for our morning walk today.

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Oct 21:

2 months today! Boy, is this guy ever growing!! Not sure how much he weighs currently. He was 10-3 at a day shy of 6 wks. So, I’d say he’s 12lbs or more, but we don’t have our appt for another 9 days.

He’s smiling a lot these days. He eats a lot–clearly. He loves to look at himself in his mirror beside his changing pad. He will not take a bottle yet, so we’ll keep trying at that one. He still is not a huge fan of the car, which is unfortunate. He coos. He loves his siblings a lot.

He still sleeps in the room with us in his pack n play. He is very unpredictable at night, but he does occasionally sleep longer stretches, but we never count on it. smile emoticon

We love this guy tons!


Oct 22: Most Tuesdays and Thursdays, while the others are at school, you’ll find me in a rocking chair with this handsome little guy. My house may be a mess, but I don’t want to miss this. ♥


Oct 23: Little mama. She and I are trying our hands at knitting tonight.

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Oct 27: Let’s hear it for baby leggings and cute socks that look like shoes! And little chunky legs! Oh, and cloth diapers! Some of my favorite things!


Oct 28: Newsboy hat for the walk this morning. Hat was made for RIDLEY by my friend, Beth Kelly. Love when I can use sweet things again.


Oct 29: Literary Day for the older 2 and dress up at preschool for Ridley. So, we have Mary Lennox (Secret Garden), Pa Ingalls (I forgot to get a pic of his fiddle), and (for at least the 2nd year in a row) Capt America.

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Charlie wanted to represent on literary day, too, with a little love for Peter Rabbit.


Oct 30: 12lbs 8 oz today at 2 months and 9 days. He’s growing!


Oct 31: Mary Lennox, a friendly (trashbag) ghost, and ??detective?? Capt America! Lol! We clearly don’t put a lot into Halloween!


We walked the “candy trail” downtown and went to a fall festival at another church. Then, the kids went to a few houses in our neighborhood and then we ended the night watching some old Casper cartoons. The kids thought they were hilarious! Love my little family! Ridley has just been knocked into the wall by Abs (she didn’t realize he was behind her).

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Ok, that gets me through October. More in the next post!


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4 Kids = Busy and Blessed!

I just don’t find myself with tons of extra time these days! Well, if I am sitting still, which really does happen a bit, it’s nursing a baby. So, that leaves me unable to update a blog! I am able to post things one-handed on facebook, but that’s it. I realize some of you are not on facebook (it’s addicting anyway, so best to stay away!). So, I’m going to try to add more of my pictures here to catch up.

Sept 14: This little guy has a tough life. 🙂


Sept 15: This bouncy seat has been with us for over 8 years. It has seen lots of action. We rarely even use the entertainment part of it. Charlie was checking out things in the kitchen at this point.


Sept 16: Mommy, he’s crying. I think he’s hungry, and maybe he has a shooey diaper. –smart and caring 3 1/2 yr old big brother.


Sept 18: Morning snuggles. 


Sept 18: Four weeks with Charles Samuel Joyner in our arms this side of heaven. Charlie, you likely have no idea how much you were prayed for. One day, you will. We are incredibly thankful that God purposed you to stay with us here. I still daily think about your 2 siblings that are enjoying heaven already. I often wonder what you smile about in your slumber. Do you see Jesus in your sleep? Do you get glimpses of heaven? I’ll never know. Sweet Charlie, I’m glad you are here and pray for many more weeks and months and years with you. You are so loved!!

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Sept 20: There is no lullaby as sweet as mommy and daddy’s heartbeat. Sleep well, my Charlie.


Sept 21st: Today, Charlie is 1 month old!

He is growing a lot! Not sure of his weight, but he is definitely filling out and getting longer. This month, he had his first cold (thank you big brother and preschool), and made it through that like a trooper. His nightly anthem is “I need thee every hour” … The last few nights, though, he has slept better at night, going 2-2 1/2 hrs between feeds (I think–I don’t watch the clock–I just know I actually fell asleep between feedings). He progressed from the cradle to the pack-n-play in our room. He’s the only one of ours that has ended up getting his limbs through the slats in the cradle and getting mad at that. Hence the move. He is a pretty laid back baby overall–except when he was sick. Lots of crying! He loves his siblings and they adore him! He sleeps through everything during the daytime—loud, loud, loud. Hope that stays!

Yes, his hair looks red in the picture. No, I don’t think he is actually a red-head. All of our kids looked a little strawberry blondish initially in certain lights or certain backgrounds, so I figure he’ll likely be the same. I think this red head is definitely courtesy of the chair background.


Sept 21: Some other pictures that had been on my camera (so this is not the date they were taken)

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Sept 21st: Colby being knighted. Earlier, I charged Abriella as a lady in waiting. Fun history!


Sept 22: Yep, I am leaving him there to sleep. Sometimes, a big shooey diaper is exhausting. (The changing pad is on the floor, so no worries).


Sept 24th: Charlie loves to hang out with mama. He does sleep well in the pack n play, too, but it’s nice to keep him close a lot, too. Babywearing is one of my faves.


Sept 25: Just relaxing for an evening bath.


Sept 26th: Happy Fall Y’all!
(Nevermind that we are sweating in our summer clothes…)


Sept 29: A friend posted this on FB. She is another friend in Hope Mommies.

In February, I had the honor of rooming with this beautiful woman at the hope mommies retreat. This precious baby was so little in her belly but oh have they been prayed over. She asked me on Sunday if I had any hope boxes and I did so today we met up in the middle of a longer drive and I got to enjoy conversations, get some tiny baby snuggles and watch my daughter ooh and ahh. I’m so blessed by this community and as sad as it is to know that the box is for another heartbroken mama, I am so grateful that we come together like this. #toGodbetheglory#hopemommies #sisterhood — with Jennifer Miller Joyner.


Ok, Charlie is up from his nap. This is all for now! 🙂





Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Homeschool Memories

Sept 11th. I posted this to facebook.

Homeschool days are a bit (maybe a lot) longer right now. As fatigue increases, patience seems to decrease. But, I continue to see God working in me and our kids. I may mess up a lot, but I know God has me in His loving, oh so patient hand. Thankful that my kids are very forgiving to their tired, cranky mama. These pics remind me of the sweet moments amongst the “not-so-sweet” moments (that certainly don’t make it to the facebook!).

Thankful that the daughter drew this sweet picture of her family when sent to her room the other day during a frustrating homeschool time.

Thankful that the daughter drew this sweet picture of her family when sent to her room the other day during a frustrating homeschool time.

Charlie doesn't like to be left out of homeschool!

Charlie doesn’t like to be left out of homeschool!

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September Pictures (1st-10th)

Here are more pictures!

Sept 4

So relaxed! Sweet baby boy!

So relaxed! Sweet baby boy!

Sept 5th

Pappa and Gammy Visit and First Movie Experience!

First Movie Experience!

Cousins Visit

Cousins Visit


Pappa and Gammy Visit (holding him)

Sept 6th

A little diaper cover with a prefold

A little diaper cover with a prefold

Sept 8th: Sleeping through Gymnastics and Happy Due Date!

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Sept 9th: So nice to have lots of baby holders!

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So tired and blessed! Sept 10th.

So tired and blessed! Sept 10th.

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Picture Catch Up

So, I post a lot of picture on facebook. I want to add those here, too. These are from back in August.

August 24th:

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August 26th: Mutual Admiration Club.


August 27th: Smiles while sleeping. Brotherly Love.

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August 30th: Not the first time he’s found his thumb.


August 31st: Napping beside mommy in bed. Found thumb again.

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More pictures to come!

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