Some Serious Backtracking

Ok, I’m going to be going back and adding pictures from where I left off! This is going back to December 2015! Let’s see how this goes!

December 3, 2015: All of 3rd grade in the Providence program tonight. Abriella is in front in the black and ivory dress.

Dec 5, 2015: 3 out of 4 isn’t too bad. Ha! Our bribe wasn’t enticing enough for Ridley.
(Maybe I should say 3 out of 5 since Santa doesn’t look to jolly, either!)

He’s a pro!

These were pictures taken by our friend Melissa of me nursing Charlie when he was a newborn. Such a sweet gift to be able to nurse a sweet baby again.

This was from baby dedication/blessing at the end of November 2015 at our church.

Dec 9, 2015: Final Christmas choir practice before Sunday. Come to TBC at 9:30 or 11 on Sunday to hear them sing and hear a cute 6 y/o boy say some scripture too.

Dec 10, 2015: These were from homeschool last Friday. The things he loves: smiling, watching his siblings, and eating his hands.

Dec 10: What a fun day! Two end of semester Christmas parties and then a preschool program! Tonight, it made my heart so proud as I watched my older two wave at and clap for Ridley. They are so proud of their brother! What a blessing! (Ridley is the one in red–ha! Abriella with Mrs. Heisch. Colby with Mrs. Lehmann).

A funny that Abriella said on Dec 11, 2015: “I’ve reached a hard age.” – Abriella, age 8.

First amber necklace.

Dec 12, 2015: First successful bottle! Abriella fed him a second one, too! Yay!!
(Of course, he’s not letting me out of his sight now–I was gone a whole 4 hours!! Ha!)

Dec 13, 2015: This was just a short clip on my phone from this morning’s Christmas choir. Colby is the boy that recites scripture. Abriella is a row above him. We are so proud of all of these kids this morning! These were kids from 4 yrs to 4th grade.

Dec 14, 2015: Charlie representing his daddy’s company.

Dec 16, 2015: Checked out books for research.  This was when we were considering getting guinea pigs (spoiler: we did get two).

Dec 19, 2015: Hahaha!! Ridley found a few things in the closet.

A little extra time before gymnastics this past week. I’m glad he is strong because we never do on-the-floor “tummy time” with him.

Pictures from Ridley’s preschool Christmas party. He loved having his siblings there! (these are not in order, but that’s ok)

Nothing hotter than a baby-wearing daddy!

Came home from the store to find this on our street.

Dec 21 funny:

“First one to get to bed may get to open the first gift tomorrow.”

I’ve never seen my children running so fast to get baths and showers!! Ha! Mom win!

Ok, that’s all I’m doing tonight. Start with Charlie’s 4 month pics next post. (Yes, I realize he’s nearly 19 months now… hang with me here!)

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