Category Archives: Uncategorized

Are Blogs Still A Thing?

Do people still read family blogs? I imagine the social media world took over the place of blogging years ago. However, I’m wondering if it might be better to return to this type platform. I haven’t typed a blog entry … Continue reading

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Three Years

Three years today. That’s when your tiny body was born, gently cushioned within the watery home which was to be yours for a few months more. Your profile in that sac, floating in clear waters, was so perfect. It was … Continue reading

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Some Serious Backtracking

Ok, I’m going to be going back and adding pictures from where I left off! This is going back to December 2015! Let’s see how this goes! December 3, 2015: All of 3rd grade in the Providence program tonight. Abriella is … Continue reading

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Nov 2015 Pictures

Ok, here’s to more catch-up. Nov 2: Nice day to do school outside. Nov 4: Charlie is enjoying school outside again. “Mommy, take a picture of me and Charlie.” Nov 5: Pa-pa and Grandma Joyner and Aunt Cindy came to visit. … Continue reading

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Sooo far behind!

Ok, so first off, we have had a MAJOR life event that occured at the end of January into February that landed Ridley in the hospital for 6 nights. We are still following up on all of that. I plan … Continue reading

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Homeschool Memories

Sept 11th. I posted this to facebook. Homeschool days are a bit (maybe a lot) longer right now. As fatigue increases, patience seems to decrease. But, I continue to see God working in me and our kids. I may mess … Continue reading

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September Pictures (1st-10th)

Here are more pictures! Sept 4 Sept 5th Sept 6th Sept 8th: Sleeping through Gymnastics and Happy Due Date! Sept 9th: So nice to have lots of baby holders!  

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Picture Catch Up

So, I post a lot of picture on facebook. I want to add those here, too. These are from back in August. August 24th: August 26th: Mutual Admiration Club. August 27th: Smiles while sleeping. Brotherly Love. August 30th: Not the … Continue reading

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So little time…

I am sorry for those that are checking daily for updates on here. With homeschooling and a new baby, time is precious. Sleep is precious. Both seem to be less than I’d like! HA! We are doing well. I’m working … Continue reading

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Texas Bluebonnets

The annual bluebonnet picture. This literally was the FIRST picture I took! Love! (you can click on the picture to enlarge it) Here are a couple others that I liked as well.   Happy spring to you!

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