Monthly Archives: August 2009


Go over to my friend, Kristi’s, business blog. She’s doing a give-a-way for some super cute baggie taggies! She is so talented! I’m hoping to win some of these babies myself! Click on the link above to take you there!

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Catchy title, eh? Yep, I sat here for about a minute to come up with something…and, nothing. So, “today” it is. We continue to do well here. Just been really busy. But, I think that’s what life with kids is … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby | 1 Comment

Picture Catch-up for Grandparents

Well, if you’re not a grandparent, you are still welcome to look at these, but you are warned that there are many pictures here.  We are doing well here. I finally figured out a good way to keep Abriella out … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Colby | 3 Comments

2 Year Pictures!

Melissa has done it again! She has done beautiful work in capturing some great shots of Abriella. We met her  yesterday morning before it got beastly hot, and she is already sharing some with me. Melissa has started a new … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 3 Comments

3 Months Old

Man, it’s tough to keep up with these kids! So, Colby turned the big 3 months on Thursday! Has it already been another month? Wow! He’s such a sweetie. Here are some things he’s doing now. * Smiling and laughing … Continue reading

Posted in Colby | 3 Comments

Two Years Old

Since I don’t keep up with an actual hard copy of a baby book… I mean, I have one, but I haven’t written in it since Abs was like…hmmm…4 months old! So, I’m going to put some things on here … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 3 Comments

Still Here

I know I haven’t posted in a little while. Just been lazy, I suppose…or taking care of two kids! Take your pick on my excuse! HAHA! Hang in there. I’ll post more soon!

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