Monthly Archives: April 2008

Latest Happenings

Well, we are trying to get a little one better from a snotty nose and cough. I think our time in the nursery at church this month led to the above noted ailment. When kids “share” those toys, they tend … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 2 Comments

How Many Can You Squeeze Into One Tub?

Well, this was the question we were asking last night as we joined the Duggans up the street. So, last night we had 2 adults, a 2 year old, a 9 month old, and a 7 week old all crammed … Continue reading

Posted in Family | 1 Comment

And Then There Were Three

…teeth that is! That top tooth cut through the gum last night, so now she has 3 teeth. I hope the second top one comes in shortly, or she’ll have one lone top tooth. That could look funny! Anyway, she … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 4 Comments

And The Bad Parent Award Goes To…

Stephen and I! So, I mentioned how Abriella was taking bad naps again and not sleeping well at night. Well, that became worse with her waking every 1-3 hrs at night. UGGH!! We were thinking she was in her 9 … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Jennifer, Stephen | 4 Comments

Happy Birthday to me (a few days late)…

Thank you for all the cards, e-cards, gifts, and the like for my birthday. I enjoyed the first anniversary of my 29th birthday on Sunday. Actually, Stephen and I started celebrating a few days earlier when he got my gift. … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Jennifer | 3 Comments

9 Month Appointment

Abriella turned 9 months old yesterday. Can’t believe we are 3/4 of the way to a year old! So, she had her well-visit appointment today. She is now 19 lbs 3 oz (just over 50%), and is 28 inches long … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 3 Comments

A Momentous Occasion Is Upon Us!

Yep, I didn’t want anyone to miss out. I didn’t want anyone to say, “Oh, I didn’t know! I’m so sorry I missed it!” So, I’m here to tell you that this Sunday, April 13, 2008 is a very important … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Jennifer, News, Stephen | 5 Comments

A New Addition to our Family!!!

So, Stephen and I have been discussing adding to our family over the last few months. We weren’t sure if we were ready, so we held off for a little while. You all may still think we aren’t ready. But, … Continue reading

Posted in Family | 3 Comments

A Day in the Life of Abriella

So, this post will be mostly pictures. I’ll do a more newsy post later. Basic recap though: We thoroughly enjoyed David coming to visit over the Easter weekend. Sadly, I didn’t get a pic of Abriella in her Easter dress—I … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella | 3 Comments