Monthly Archives: July 2012


We’re headed to Providence Preparatory School next month! We met with the headmaster today, and it went great. We are very excited! We’ll attend a mixer tomorrow at the park. Then, I’ll attend required co-teacher training August 7-9th. It’s going … Continue reading

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Latest News on the Schooling Front

As you recall, we had been put on the waiting list for Providence Preparatory School. After payments were already being made by those enrolled, and none had pulled out, I figured our chances there were gone. And, we were ok … Continue reading

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6 Months!

Ridley turned 6 months old on Sunday. Boohoo!! That’s a big milestone, and means we’re on the downhill slope to a year! So fast! He had his 6 month appointment on Monday. He weighed in at 15-14 and was 25 … Continue reading

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The Big 0-5!

Today, Abriella is 5 years old!! Can’t believe it! This is a picture that her Gammy took while Abriella and Colby were in Lubbock a couple of weeks ago! Great picture!

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Mother’s Day and Muffins with Moms

Here are some pictures to go with Mother’s Day and the annual Muffins with Moms at preschool. If you notice the haircuts, you can figure out that the Muffins with Moms occurred before Mother’s Day! HA! I am so incredibly … Continue reading

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