Monthly Archives: December 2006

Baby Joyner Update

Well, the vomiting has become more “fun.” I keep telling Stephen this better be one cute baby since I’m having so much “excitement” so far! haha! I know it’s all normal stuff, but it’s still not pleasant. I think I’m … Continue reading

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Update on the Bean

Hey Everyone! Well, the wonderful thing about working in an OB Clinic is that there are lots of resources, i.e. ultrasounds. I’ve been good so far at not grabbing one of the machines to see what was going on inside. … Continue reading

Posted in Jennifer, Stephen | Leave a comment

Stephen and Jennifer and Baby Makes Three…

So, I would say that probably all of you that actually read our website already know this, but in case this is news to anyone…Stephen and I are pregnant! The due date is July 30th, 2007, so for you math … Continue reading

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