Category Archives: Baby #6

4 Kids = Busy and Blessed!

I just don’t find myself with tons of extra time these days! Well, if I am sitting still, which really does happen a bit, it’s nursing a baby. So, that leaves me unable to update a blog! I am able … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Charlie’s Birth Story

As is my tradition, I am documenting my birth story. If not for anyone else, I like to remember how each child entered the world. So, read if you like, but also know that there may be what some consider … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby, Family, Jennifer, Ridley, Stephen | Leave a comment

Baby Arrival!

So, our sweet, sweet blessing has arrived! Friday, August 21st at 5:56 am 7 lbs 2 oz 20 1/2 inches We have a new baby BOY! Charles (Charlie) Samuel Joyner We are soooo thankful for his safe arrival! Samuel means … Continue reading

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37 weeks and 1st Day of School

Here we are at 37 wks! I am considered term now! Yay! Here is a picture from today. Last night, I was having strong braxton hicks contractions for quite a while into the night. I started to think they might … Continue reading

Posted in Abriella, Baby #6, Colby | Leave a comment


Well, here we are at the end of the summer break, and I feel like our house is in utter chaos! We were supposed to be all ready for school and baby. Well, our upstairs is a complete mess! The … Continue reading

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A Peak Inside Our Journey

I just wanted to share some thoughts of the journey we are on. If you know me, or have read this blog with any regularity, you know that this baby follows the loss of 2 babies last year. That is … Continue reading

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When are you going to have your baby?

Well, I don’t know! Like I always told my patients, if I knew when they were going to have their baby, I’d make a whole lot more money than I did as a midwife!! Same for my babies. I have … Continue reading

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36 wks

Yay, 36 wks! I like each milestone we hit, but I do like 36 wks as one of them! Here’s a picture from today.   Today, my midwife came for a home visit, just to make sure everything is in … Continue reading

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Thoughts at 35 1/2 wks

So, today, I’m 35 3/7 wks, one week before my earliest delivery of my full pregnancies (Ridley). How am I feeling? Well, overall, I feel good. This baby moves a lot! This one feels like he/she is trying to break … Continue reading

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Updated Picture

Ok, I washed my hair last night and fixed it a little this morning, so I took a picture for this week. ha! So, 35 1/7 wks today. Here’s the “selfie.” Oy, last night, I was having lots more pressure … Continue reading

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