
Well, here we are at the end of the summer break, and I feel like our house is in utter chaos! We were supposed to be all ready for school and baby. Well, our upstairs is a complete mess! The nursery has furniture moved into the middle, drop clothes all over the place, paint supplies, a ladder, etc. Then, the rest of the furniture has been moved to the playroom. So, the playroom is a total disaster area as well. Oy!

The kids start school tomorrow. I’m certain they have their book bags ready and lunches made, so that’s good. I forgot about teacher’s gifts, so that’s out. I’m not going anywhere now to get something. Well, aside from the fact that Stephen isn’t here anyway. Can’t leave the kids alone. Maybe during the day tomorrow, Ridley and I can get something. But, maybe not.

We’ve had things breaking lately, so Stephen has been in repair mode. I’m thankful he is so handy! I would rather him spend time on things besides stupid breaking stuff, though. That’s just the way it goes though, right?

Tomorrow, I’ll be 37 wks. Full-term! Yay! While I’m so incredibly anxious to have our baby earthside, I feel completely out of sync right now. I don’t have any inkling as to when this baby will arrive. Right now, I’d just like to get the upstairs somewhat back in order though! Maybe when Stephen gets back, the nursery can be put back into order a slight bit. It’s painted for now. We’ll add some gender specific color touches after the baby arrives. But, for now, it’s done. Also, school…. First campus day tomorrow, first homeschool day is on Wednesday. Oy. Let’s get school started.

Pray for peace for me. Peace in God’s timing. Peace in the chaos. God’s in control. I don’t need to be…and that is so hard for me!

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1 Response to Chaos!

  1. Pa-pa says:

    I know this comment is delayed, but seeing as how little Charlie seems to be a part of God’s delightful, “Yes,” answer to our prayers for you, I thought I add that I have been praying for you diligently ever since I learned about Tiny and Teeny. Having never experienced this particular kind of loss, I’ve had to read all your posts carefully to better understand what to pray for. I’m sure my prayers aren’t perfect, probably not even close to what you really need, but the Holy Spirit translates them to the proper requests to God! I have been and will continue to pray that God will bring you peace and joy in your relationship with Him and with all 6 of your sweet, precious kids!

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