More of the Ridster!

We are continuing to do well here. Ridley had his 3 day follow-up and only lost 4 oz from his birthweight, so he didn’t drop below 6 lbs, so that made me happy. He got the lovely heel stick done for the newborn screen. He’s doing great. He may have been preterm, but not premature. He has acted like a full-term baby and has done very well. He’s strong and nurses well, and is all around a sweet baby. We think he’s a keeper! The other 2 continue to be a bit of a handful. My mom left yesterday after being here all week. David and Janet left today after being here the weekend. So, tomorrow, Stephen will go back to work, and the fun begins. There will be grandparent detox and adjustments to having a baby in the house. It might be a little wild for a while until we can get into a rhythm, but I am praying that I have the patience, calm, understanding, and grace for it. Please pray for us. 🙂

Here are some pictures that we’ve taken this week. Click on the link to go to the album.

Ridley David Joyner
Picture Outtakes with Grandma

And, here are some pictures taken at the end of the year when the Joyners came for a few days to celebrate Christmas/New Year’s Day with us. This is when the kids got to open their presents from them.

Christmas with Joyners

And, here are pictures taken from Abriella’s first field trip. She was so excited to go on a field trip. The pre-K class gets to go on one each year. They went to a local goat farm this year. It was interesting. The kids enjoyed the goats, so that’s what matters, right?

Soggy Bottom Goat Farm Field Trip

Here are a couple of pictures from when my Little Grandma was here a few weeks ago. Colby warmed up to her nicely.

Ok, that’s enough pictures for now! I am almost caught up, but I figure I’ll never be caught up now, since we are taking lots of pictures these days! 🙂 Have a blessed Sunday evening!

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