Should we start childproofing the house??

So, she finally started going from back to tummy. We had thought at one point way back when that she would certainly do that direction first (before tummy to back, although most babies still go tummy to back first). She’s done it twice this week. One time, she actually went from back to tummy and then went right on rolling back on over to her back again. And, she also scoots around on her back by pushing with her legs. Then, she motors around by turning to her side and somehow making circles and forward or backward progress as she wants that way too. We have all these blankets on the floor to keep her cushioned from the wood floors, but she decided to continue her venture onto the wood floors, and using the couch and everything else to aid her maneuvering as well! She did finally get tired of that, and she decided to start whining when she couldn’t make it back onto the blankets like she wanted to. (she also happened to be getting close to a nap at the time, which always makes her so sensitive!).  It’s pretty funny to watch her go all over the place. She’s also sitting really well. We still keep the boppy pillow around her most of the time, if we’re not right there, because she still likes to fling herself backwards to see what’s going on there sometimes, so the boppy keeps her from bonking her head. But, she leans over in front to get toys, her toes, or whatever, and she sits right back up. It seems she does something new everyday!

On another good note, she continues to sleep really well at night. I’m hoping those days are back to stay for a while! I’m enjoying it! We are all still trying to get well. She continues to have a runny nose and a cough, but I think improving overall. I have a cough at night still. Stephen’s still trying to get back to being 100% as well. The weather changing all the time certainly doesn’t help. It’s super cold one day, then it’s in the 70s/80s today! Uggh! Anyway, this too shall pass.

Well, not much else to report. Have a great Sunday!

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2 Responses to Should we start childproofing the house??

  1. Mom/Grandma Miller says:

    It’s about time to start putting those childproofing gizmos to work. It won’t be long till she is mobile enough to get into trouble!

  2. Rebecca says:

    That is exciting that she is rolling! I hope everyone gets to feeling better at your house. Jonathan and Bryan have been sick too. We didn’t get to go to church b/c they were sick Sunday and it is still lingering. I have been spraying Lysol and so far it hasn’t hit me. Let’s hope it stays that way!

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